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Netanyahu meets Biden on Tuesday

It was unclear for a long time if the meeting was really taking place - among other things due to Biden's Corona-illness. Now there is an announcement from Israel.

Meeting of Netanyahu with Biden (Archival Image)
Meeting of Netanyahu with Biden (Archival Image)

US-Travel - Netanyahu meets Biden on Tuesday

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with the US President Joe Biden on Tuesday afternoon (local time), according to Netanyahu's office. Netanyahu's trip to the US was planned for the day before, the office of the Prime Minister announced. The last time Biden and Netanyahu met in person was in Tel Aviv in the fall, shortly after the massacres by the Islamist terror organization Hamas on October 7.

According to media reports, the talks are expected to focus mainly on efforts to achieve a ceasefire in the Gaza War and the release of hostages in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners. Criticism of Netanyahu's foreign travel has grown in Israel. Protesters have demanded that he leave the country only after a deal for the release of hostages is reached.

On Wednesday, Israel's Prime Minister is scheduled to give a speech to both houses of the US Congress on Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip.

The relationship between Biden and Netanyahu is reportedly tense. Netanyahu caused a new crisis with the US government by attacking it harshly in a video over a delayed weapons delivery.

  1. Despite the criticism from within Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu remains determined to meet with Joe Biden on Tuesday, discussing the ongoing conflicts in the Palestinian territories and the Gaza War.
  2. The United States of America, under President Biden's leadership, has been a key player in mediating peace talks between Israel and its neighbors, with the potential for significant diplomatic progress during Netanyahu's visit.
  3. The Coronavirus pandemic has not dampened Netanyahu's plans to travel to Washington DC, although there are concerns about the health risks associated with his trip.
  4. After the last meeting in Tel Aviv, tensions between Israel and its adversaries, particularly in the Gaza Strip, have continued to escalate, putting pressure on Netanyahu to find a long-term resolution through negotiations with the Biden administration.
  5. As Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu is well-versed in the art of diplomacy, but the ongoing hostilities in the region and the need for a ceasefire have added a new level of complexity to his interactions with foreign leaders, including the United States' Joe Biden.

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