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Navratilova outraged by criticism of Taylor Swift

"Misogynistic nonsense"

A critical "Newsweek" article on Taylor Swift outraged tennis legend Martina Navratilova.
A critical "Newsweek" article on Taylor Swift outraged tennis legend Martina Navratilova.

"Despite her extensive economic influence, one must question if Taylor Swift's influence extends positively to other areas. In particular: Is she a good role model for young girls in the US and beyond? This question is raised by US author John Mac Ghlionn in an opinion article published in the US magazine "Newsweek." At 34 years old, Swift is still "unmarried and childless" and has reportedly had "at least a dozen" relationships with prominent men, writes the journalist. This "revolving door of relationships" may reflect the normal dating experiences of many young women in today's world, but it also raises questions about stability, commitment, and even love itself.

"While Swift's musical talent and business acumen are certainly admirable, if not praiseworthy, we must ask if her personal life choices are the ones we would recommend to our sisters and daughters," the author contends controversially.

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova, however, finds Mac Ghlionn's article a "huge pile of misogynistic nonsense!" as she writes on X, accompanied by three pile-of-poo emojis. "This guy should be ashamed! I can't believe that he writes for 'Newsweek' ... and they even printed it," the 67-year-old reacts.

"Deeply troubling criticism" of a woman

She is not alone in her sentiment. Under the article and on X, countless comments can be found, with women in particular expressing disbelief or anger. "Can you imagine someone writing that a man isn't a good role model because he's unmarried and childless at 34? 'Newsweek' can really piss off (I apologize for my language). How dare they? (...) The criticism of a 34-year-old woman who has made her own life decisions is deeply troubling. She has achieved extraordinary success through her talent, hard work, and AUTONOMY," read two of the many impassioned reactions to the "Newsweek" opinion piece.

"Women should be celebrated for their achievements and respected for their decisions and not judged based on outdated standards of what a 'good role model' should be. Taylor Swift has inspired millions of people with her authenticity and tenacity. It's time we focus on empowering narratives instead of upholding patriarchal judgments," summarizes an angry reader. "Why is a man writing an article about women as role models?", wonders a male reader.

Many who express criticism suggest that the controversial article was written merely to "cling to Swift's success" and generate clicks from the ensuing controversy.

  1. The impassioned reactions to the article in "Newsweek" highlight the importance of allowing women like Taylor Swift to express their freedom of expression through their personal choices, without facing deep-seated criticism or judgment based on outdated standards.
  2. Feminism advocates argue that Taylor Swift's impact on entertainment and young women cannot be overstated, as she embodies empowerment and authenticity, breaking barriers and paving the way for future generations of women in the music industry.
  3. In response to the criticism, several artists and female celebrities, such as Taylor Swift herself and feminist icon Gloria Steinem, have publicly spoken out against the article, emphasizing the importance of supporting and celebrating women's freedom of expression and personal choices in the entertainment realm.

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