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CultureNewsTVARDThrillerTV seriesPolice call 110

Murder motif float

"Polizeiruf 110" in a quick check

Inspector Alexandra Luschke (Gisa Flake, center) is also preparing for the Cottbus
Inspector Alexandra Luschke (Gisa Flake, center) is also preparing for the Cottbus

Murder motif float

Vincent Ross investigates a case in which a headstrong artist was killed. The fire in his workshop also killed the carnival float he was working on. In "Cottbus Kopflos" there is unfortunately far too much chattering, looking and smiling.

What happens?

The anticipation of the Cottbus carnival is seriously dampened. The float builder Jurek Bukol (Sigi Polap) is found dead in his workshop. First his head has been smashed in, then the store has been set on fire. Not only was Bukol's body charred almost beyond recognition, but the float he was working on for the upcoming parade was also destroyed, with only the charred wire frame remaining. Vincent Ross (André Kaczmarczyk) sets off for Cottbus to solve the case together with colleague Alexandra Luschke (Gisa Flake).

The investigation leads the two of them into a confusing situation in which a fatal accident from the past emerges as a possible motive for the murder. There are plenty of suspects. There is Bukol's son Dawid (Niklas Bruhn), whose craft beer brewery is not running smoothly, his sister Krystina (Pia-Micaela Barucki), who wants to break new ground, carnival boss Nikolaus Behrend (Christoph Bach), who is dancing at several weddings at once - even police chief Markus Oelßner (Andreas Döhler) is a suspect.

What is it really about?

Detective Inspector Vincent Ross (André Kaczmarczyk) and Luschke investigate the victim's family.

Least of all the carnival itself, although the number with the float is hyped up to such an extent that you want to reach for the bucket of camels in front of the TV. Rather, it's a game of intrigue about wounded vanities and breaches of trust, betrayal of love and deceit, dubious machinations and unscrupulous greed, in short: the usual.

Zapping away moment?

What is Ross actually doing with the Berliner? Or are they perhaps called doughnuts, pancakes or pancakes in Cottbus? It doesn't look appetizing, although it's not quite enough to zap away. The countless shot/reverse shot shots with the faces of the protagonists in close-up are more suitable for this. As in a classic telenovela, there is constant meaningful staring, smirking and puzzling. Everything is a state of mind.

Wow factor?

Not much. And yet it starts so energetically. Luschke/Flake in a wig and silver dress with their dance troupe - that's got a lot of panache. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. When the carnival finally kicks off, there are only a few blurred images - and the song of the red horse. Helau! Or Alaaf?

How was it?

3 out of 10 points - in terms of suspense, more Ash Wednesday than Rose Monday


