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Mother accused of throwing one-year-old daughter from third floor, sent to psychiatric facility

A shocking act of violence in Berlin: A mother is accused of tossing her one-year-old child from a third-floor balcony. Reports suggest she may be suffering from a mental illness.

The girl was allegedly thrown from the third floor of this apartment building in...
The girl was allegedly thrown from the third floor of this apartment building in Berlin-Altglienicke

Germany's capital city, Berlin, experiences wave of violent demonstrations. - Mother accused of throwing one-year-old daughter from third floor, sent to psychiatric facility

A man witnessed something unexpected on a Monday morning. At a home located on Ortolf Street in the Altglienicke section of Berlin, he saw a blue plastic cat box that contained a severely hurt young girl. The witness notified the fire department, and an investigation began.

The girl, who was only 21 months old, was taken to the hospital for emergency care by the rescue workers. Despite her injuries, her life was not in jeopardy, according to the police. The Berlin police mentioned that she had multiple broken bones.

Investigation of Attempted Murder

The police were notified and managed to apprehend the mother of the young girl located on the third floor of the apartment building shortly after the incident. The authorities believe that the woman might have thrown her child from a height of approximately ten meters. The Berlin Prosecutor's Office has started an investigation into the attempted murder.

The mother has yet to speak about the allegations against her, the investigators mentioned. Another child of the woman, aged nine, was placed under the care of the Youth Welfare Office.

There is currently no known motive for the incident. The news agency DPA stated that there was no drug involvement, and the apartment and children did not seem neglected.

It is likely that the mother suffers from significant psychological issues. The prosecutor's office requested that she be placed in a psychiatric hospital for temporary detention on Tuesday. The Berlin Criminal Police Office's murder commission is still probing the case.

Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing top news of violent demonstrations in Berlin, the city's police forces have shifted their focus towards an investigation of an attempted murder case.
  2. The mother, accused of throwing her young daughter from a third-floor balcony in Berlin, is now under the care of a psychiatric facility in Germany.
  3. The recent crime wave in Berlin's top news is overshadowed by the tragic incident involving a mother from Germany, whose actions have caused widespread concern.



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