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Mossad: Terror suspects in Denmark with Hamas connections

Several suspects are arrested in Denmark who are believed to have links to the Islamist group Hamas. Were they planning a terrorist attack in Europe? Israel's foreign intelligence service assumes so.

PET operations manager Flemming Drejer (r) and Peter Dahl, head of the Copenhagen police
PET operations manager Flemming Drejer (r) and Peter Dahl, head of the Copenhagen police emergency services, inform the press about the incident.

Terrorism - Mossad: Terror suspects in Denmark with Hamas connections

According to Israel's foreign intelligence service, terror suspects arrested in Denmark have links to Hamas. They were acting on behalf of the terrorist organization, announced the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, citing the foreign intelligence service Mossad. The authorities had thus "thwarted an attack whose aim was to kill innocent civilians on European soil".

According to the information, a total of seven people were arrested. The Danish secret service PET had spoken of three arrests in the country and another in the Netherlands. The Danish authorities have not yet commented on the background or possible target of the planned attack.

Hamas had "worked tirelessly and intensively to expand its deadly operations to Europe", according to the Israeli side. The aim is to "attack Israeli, Jewish and Western targets at all costs". Hamas thus poses "a threat to the internal security of these countries".

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The terror suspects in Denmark with Hamas connections were believed to be acting under the guidance of Hamas, a terrorist organization based in Gaza, as stated by Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office released this information, expressing concerns about Hamas's increasing attempts to extend its terrorist activities beyond the Middle East, specifically to Europe and Western targets. The planned attack in Denmark was aimed at causing harm to innocent civilians, as uncovered by the authorities.




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