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Mobilization appeal: Why Ukraine cannot force its men back to their country

Ukraine is short of up to 500,000 soldiers. Many men have fled abroad - and cannot be forced into military service despite mobilization.

Ukraine lacks around 450,000 to 500,000
Ukraine lacks around 450,000 to 500,000

Shortage of soldiers - Mobilization appeal: Why Ukraine cannot force its men back to their country

The Ministry of Defense in Kiev is appealing to Ukrainians abroad who have fled the war to return and defend their homeland as soldiers. A ministry spokesman told the Ukrainian news agency Interfax-Ukrajina in Kiev on Thursday. However, there are no plans to bring men back from abroad and call them up under pressure, said spokesman Illarion Pavlyuk. He thus clarified statements made by Defence Minister Rustem Umjerow about the mobilization of men abroad.

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are registered as war refugees in Germany and other countries. Officially, men between the ages of 18 and 60 who are fit for military service are not allowed to leave the country, which is defending itself against Russia's war of aggression. However, many manage to escape.

Ukraine appeals to citizens abroad

"The minister calls on all citizens of Ukraine to join the armed forces wherever they are," said Umyerev's spokesman Pavlyuk. "Does this also apply to Ukrainians who are abroad? Without a doubt. Defending the country in times of war is the constitutional duty of all citizens." At the same time, he said: "If we are talking about a sanctions mechanism or legal pressure on those who are outside Ukraine, then this is not on the agenda."

According to Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann, Ukraine's problems in mobilizing soldiers to fend off the Russian invasion will have no practical consequences for Ukrainians living in Germany. "It will not be the case that we force people to do compulsory military service or military service against their will," the FDP politician told the DPA news agency. It was good that the war refugees from Ukraine had been accepted in Germany in an uncomplicated procedure and had been given the opportunity to work. "After all, we are trying to get more people from Ukraine into work and fewer of them will end up living on citizen's benefits," he added.

Mobilization for up to 500,000 men

Discussions are currently underway in Ukraine on how the army can recruit more soldiers. The military wants to mobilize an additional 450,000 to 500,000 men. In Ukraine, anyone who fails to comply with a summons to report for military service has already had to pay fines, which start at 1700 hryvnia (around 40 euros) and increase in the event of a repeat offense. When mobilizing Ukrainians abroad, the military authorities also face the problem that they do not have their addresses.

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