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Military regime in Myanmar conducts airstrike on monastery.

"The bomb had immense power"

A fighter from the Karen National Liberation Army. The group is fighting the Myanmar military.
A fighter from the Karen National Liberation Army. The group is fighting the Myanmar military.

Military regime in Myanmar conducts airstrike on monastery.

The Myanmar military is mercilessly targeting insurgents and leaving civilian casualties in their wake. A humanitarian organization reports over 20 massacres since the government took control. Another deadly incident occurred when a monastery was bombed, leading to multiple deaths.

At least 16 individuals lost their lives, and nearly 50 more were injured due to an air raid conducted by the military junta at a Buddhist monastery in Myanmar. This occurred on a Thursday morning in the Magwe region's Saw community. The attack during a monastery meeting saw people from the local defense forces and local leaders from nearby villages. The casualties are expected to escalate. The burnt bodies of most victims are unidentifiable. The monastery's abbot and several monks were also slain. The devastation was so intense that the entire monastery was leveled by the attack. "The bomb was incredibly powerful," explained Min Min Oo, an eyewitness and active in the rescue mission.

Junta generals have been ruthless since their 2021 coup, brutally crushing any dissent. They frequently strike from the air. Recently, at least four individuals were killed and many seriously injured in an airstrike on a rebel region near India's border. The bombs targeted a hospital in the Mindat town, Chin State.

ISP-Myanmar, an independent study group, indicates that the junta's troops have perpetrated over 20 mass shootings versus the population, causing the deaths of more than ten victims in a single incident. The number of fatalities totals over 500 people, including children and the elderly, from February 2021 to October 2023, as revealed in the report.

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