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Milei stops Argentina's admission to BRICS group

Change of course in Buenos Aires

In terms of foreign policy, Milei is orienting itself more towards the
In terms of foreign policy, Milei is orienting itself more towards the

Milei stops Argentina's admission to BRICS group

The BRICS states see themselves as a counterweight to the West. In the summer, the group decides to admit six new members. However, Argentina's new President Milei is no friend of the alliance and rejects his predecessor's plans.

Under its new President Javier Milei, Argentina is renouncing the membership of the BRICS group of states that its previous government had sought. Milei wrote to the heads of state and government of the BRICS states that his government "does not consider membership, which was supposed to come into force at the turn of the year, to be appropriate".

At its meeting in August, the BRICS group, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, invited six states to become new members on January 1: In addition to Argentina, these are Ethiopia, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The right-wing populist ultra-liberal Milei had announced several times during the presidential election campaign that he wanted to renounce his membership of the BRICS group. The BRICS states see themselves as a counterweight to Western countries.

In his letter quoted by Argentinian media, Milei, who has been in office since mid-December, emphasized that his government's foreign policy approach differs "in many respects from that of the previous government". Some decisions would therefore be revised, including Argentina's active participation in the BRICS group.

In the past, Milei had used extremely harsh words about BRICS countries such as China and Argentina's neighbor Brazil. Among other things, he described Brazilian President Lula as a "corrupt communist". Most recently, he made it clear that he considers the USA and Israel in particular to be his natural strategic partners in foreign policy.

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Despite Argentina's inclusion in the BRICS group's invitation list for new members in August, its President Milei opted against joining, citing misalignment with the country's foreign policy. Consequently, Argentina remains outside the BRICS states, which view themselves as a balance to Western influence.


