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Michelle sings about the day she wanted to end her life

On her new album, pop singer Michelle sings about the hardest times in her life. In one single, she even addresses her suicide attempt.

Pop singer Michelle has released a new album
Pop singer Michelle has released a new album

New song - Michelle sings about the day she wanted to end her life

Singer Michelle looks back on a successful career in the music industry, as well as a turbulent life that was often dramatic. The 52-year-old now reflects on her darkest hours on her new album "Flutlicht," which she wrote with her fiancé.

Michelle: On new album she sings about her suicide attempt

"We locked ourselves away for three days and nights and wrote down my entire life. I processed the most defining moments," the singer told the "Bild" newspaper. In doing so, she dealt with her foster family and her suicide attempt. "If you listen between the lines, there's a lot of truth there," Michelle said.

The song "Gespräch mit Gott" sees Michelle looking back on the time when she wanted to end her life. "I wanted to find myself and not lose myself / But I'm a daydream specialist / Just disappear, stop functioning / Oh, I saw my face in the mirror and it wasn't there," she sings. "And now I stand before you, like it happens to everyone, but I'm too early / Because you're talking to me and I realize my happiness," Michelle said about her "Gespräch mit Gott." She got "three lives for one," but "couldn't understand the first, survived the second."

In 2004, Michelle's daughter found her unconscious, and Michelle was subsequently hospitalized and in a coma. In a booklet accompanying her CD, Michelle described the day she saw no way out a year later. "I reached for three bottles of antidepressants and filled the 90 milliliters in a half-liter bottle of apple soda and chugged it. I have no fear. I'm not afraid of the destination of this journey," she wrote. "I'm already tipping the cocktail down. The bitter-sweet taste is unbearable. I can hear my blood rushing in my ears. The room around me swims. Then I fall into a deep hole, and black darkness envelops me."

Source: "Bild" Newspaper

Help and Support

If you have suicidal thoughts, help is available. The Telephone Counseling Service is anonymous, free, and available around the clock at (0800) 1110111 and (0800) 1110222. Email counseling is also possible. A list of nationwide help centers can be found on the website of the German Society for Suicide Prevention.

Michelle opened up about her past struggles in an interview with the Bild newspaper, discussing her suicide attempt as a single pop singer. On her new album "Flutlicht," she delves into this dark period, revealing that the song "Gespräch mit Gott" is centered around the time she contemplated ending her life.

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