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Meloni party friend injures man with pistol shot

Revolver at New Year's Eve party

The party of Italy's head of government, Giorgia Meloni, sees no political relevance in
The party of Italy's head of government, Giorgia Meloni, sees no political relevance in the

Meloni party friend injures man with pistol shot

Politicians from President Meloni's ultra-right-wing governing party Fratelli D'Italia are happily celebrating a New Year's Eve party in Piedmont. Suddenly, a shot is fired from the gun of deputy Pozzolo. A guest is injured in the leg. The incident sparked a heated debate in Italy.

A member of parliament from the post-fascist ruling party Fratelli d'Italia has triggered a storm of indignation in Italy because he attended a New Year's Eve party with a gun and a guest was injured by an accidental shot. The 38-year-old Emanuele Pozzolo admitted that he had brought a North American Arms 22-calibre mini-revolver to the party in Rosazza, a town around 70 kilometers from Turin.

"I confirm that the shot was fired accidentally from a pistol that I was carrying in accordance with the regulations, but that it was not me who fired," said a statement by the MP, quoted by the left-wing newspaper "La Repubblica". The 31-year-old victim was slightly injured in the leg. The man was one of around 30 guests.

Pozzolo told investigators at the scene that he had "taken out the gun to show it when a shot went off", as "La Repubblica" further reported. The party was also attended by Andrea Delmastro, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice. According to media reports, Pozzolo only joined the party later and is said to have passed around his weapon - a mini-revolver no bigger than a lighter. Then the shot was fired.

Shot hits man in the calf

According to the public prosecutor's office, it launched an investigation into possible offenses such as intentional or negligent bodily harm. They also seized the bullet from the pistol, which was lodged in the victim's left calf. The victim was the son-in-law of a bodyguard of Deputy Minister of Justice Andrea Delmastro, who according to press reports was also present at the party.

Even though the victim had to spend less than a day in hospital, the opposition parties did not miss the opportunity to criticize the MP's behaviour as irresponsible. In December, the ultra-right party Fratelli d'Italia proposed lowering the minimum age for a hunting license to 16. Pozzolo had rejected vaccinations and health passports during the coronavirus pandemic and has been criticized in the past for sexist and discriminatory comments.

"Unsuitable, incapable, not socially acceptable"

The carrying of weapons is strictly regulated in Italy and requires a permit. Holders of a hunting or sporting firearms license may only carry a weapon when hunting or at the shooting range. Only those with a license to carry a weapon for personal protection are allowed to carry it anywhere.

"We would not have believed that the passion for weapons in Giorgia Meloni's party is so great that MPs take them loaded to New Year celebrations," criticized the leader of the Democratic Party (PD), Elly Schlein. "These incompetents are a danger to the safety of their fellow citizens, not to mention to national security," said Schlein. Meloni must immediately clarify what measures she intends to take against her party colleague.

Former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi from the political center also reacted indignantly: "Why bring weapons to a New Year's party with MPs and members of the government? Meloni's leadership is not one: they are unsuitable, incapable, unacceptable. And dangerous," Renzi explained in the online service X. Meloni's party emphasized that the incident had no political relevance. Meloni himself did not comment initially.

Read also:

  1. The incident involving the accidental shooting during the New Year's Eve party organized by Giorgia Meloni's ruling party Fratelli d'Italia has reignited international discussions about gun control in Italy.
  2. Following the shooting incident at the New Year's Eve party, international human rights organizations have called for stricter gun laws in Italy, citing the irresponsibility exhibited by the deputy.
  3. In the wake of the New Year's Eve shooting incident and the ensuing controversy, several international figures and organizations have expressed concerns about the level of gun violence in Italy and urged for tighter regulations.


