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Melania Trump expresses delight in her inaugural outing with Donald.

Melania Trump expresses delight in her inaugural outing with Donald.

During Donald Trump's tenure as president, whispers circulated that Melania Trump wasn't too fond of her husband. However, in a latest chat with "Fox News," the ex-First Lady of the United States appears to have a soft spot for him.

Melania Trump has broke her silence after two years. In anticipation of her memoir's release on October 8th, the former wife of the Republican stateswoman reveals some hitherto unknown aspects of her marriage to the ex-US President. "It's now time for me to share my story - and the reality," Melania Trump says in her dialogue with "Fox News".

In the discourse, Melania Trump reminisces about the inception of her relationship with the Republican. The 54-year-old woman shares how their first date was an unusual event. Instead of dining in a restaurant, coffee shop, or cinema, the entrepreneur took her to an empty piece of land he was planning to acquire. But for Melania Trump, it was "quite pleasant", she expresses.

"Because we were alone in the vehicle for approximately an hour and a half. No other sounds, no other individuals," Melania Trump explains. "At that moment, he was already renowned as a public figure. So, it was quite pleasing to be alone with him." Moreover, Melania Trump discloses that she felt a connection with him instantaneously. "I liked his vision. And the connection we shared. It was something quite special."

Political aspirations were unforeseen

Melania Trump also discusses her engagement to the entrepreneur in 2004: "It was my birthday. And it was the Met Gala. Everything in one night. We were already home, both in gala attire. Then he proposed."

Her husband's political aspirations weren't shared with her at that point, Melania Trump clarifies. "We didn't talk about it then." It was only later that he expressed his desire to enter politics. When inquired about her husband running for president again, Melania Trump is resolute: "I support him." So far, the ex-First Lady has been scarcely seen on the campaign trail and did not deliver a speech at the Republican National Convention. She was also absent during the debate with Democrat Kamala Harris.

He desired more children, she didn't

About her husband, Melania Trump shows admiration, "I love his wit, his personality, his kindness, he's very special. His optimism. His energy. It's amazing." They got married in January 2005 and their son Barron was born about a year later.

The couple did not have any more children, despite Donald Trump's apparent wish for more, as his wife reveals in the interview. "For me, it was always perfect," the 54-year-old reveals. Donald Trump "encouraged me to have more." "But I said I'm completely satisfied with one, because it's a very busy life. And I know how busy he is. And I'm accountable for everything. So, it's just perfect."

That Melania Trump seemingly remained enthralled throughout the interview might surprise many. After all, during Donald Trump's administration, there were frequent rumors that the former model couldn't stand him. During joint public appearances, she sometimes swatted away his hand when he reached for hers. There were also recurring reports about separate beds in the White House. According to the exposé book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House" by Michael Wolff, Melania Trump was far from enamored with Donald Trump's 2016 run. When he eventually won the election, she was reportedly "tearful" - "and not from joy".

In her conversation with "Fox News," Melania Trump expresses her admiration for Donald Trump's wit and kindness, despite the rumors during his presidency. Despite the rumors of separate beds in the White House, Melania Trump seems to have maintained a connection with Donald Trump, as she reveals her support for his potential future political aspirations.

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