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Maurice has a real aggression problem

Serkan forges new alliances, one couple has had enough of the bad games and throws in the towel, and Ricarda is already the winner of this season of "Summer House". Because she stands up to Maurice like no other and stands up to him.

Maurice swears "by God" that his "pearl" Ricarda doesn't have enough
Maurice swears "by God" that his "pearl" Ricarda doesn't have enough

Maurice has a real aggression problem

Dear Bushido, you want to go to the "summer house"! It's such a shame that you didn't come to Bocholt for at least a flying visit this year! We would have desperately needed someone like you. Someone to take Maurice to task and tell him off. He doesn't listen to his "pearl" Ricarda, who - as we now know - is fortunately no longer at his side! On the contrary!

You have to imagine that: The little guy, who according to Vanessa "still lives with his mommy at 24 and doesn't have a job", still has a lot of "ass fluttering" in episode 8 because he's threatened with being kicked out of the flat share and then "big face" again in episode 9. We urgently needed someone to wipe the house with a damp cloth and smoke out the bad vibes that have already moved into the walls with some myrrh. The alliances that have formed must be broken and Don Serkan, the manipulative string-puller, must be sentenced to eternal kitchen duty!

The fact that the flatmates have to "hang out with people who have no decency" turns them into emotional wrecks. Tears flow. Vanessa wants to go home, Pia thinks that winning 50,000 euros is too little to be so down on her luck and the ballroom bard Tim and his "Caaarina" actually pull the ripcord and voluntarily leave the terror flat share. Mr. Toupet in particular was quick to express his surprise at his flatmates, who mostly only define themselves via Instagram.

"This game is really on you, darling!"

Justine also loses her feathers in episode 9. Joey Heindle's ex-wife repeatedly puts her partner down because, in her opinion, he doesn't motivate her enough and "drags her down" with his calm, focused manner. She even threatens to pack his bags and call off the games. But Arben is simply trying to concentrate. Besides, with all this madness, who can blame him for needing "time for himself"? Instead, he has to listen to himself being "a sourpuss" who "has a stick up his ass". At least Justine manages to mend the bad mood she has created and restore harmony.

Poor Ricarda, however, can only dream of such emotional balance. Time and again she has to let Maurice run his mouth. His aggression and determination to win have reached a new level. He is unable to engage with his partner in games, for example, and pull together with her. He constantly looks at his self-proclaimed arch-enemy Aleks.

He displays a commanding tone towards his "pearl" that makes the viewer wonder how Ricarda has put up with this man for so long. In the game "Withstanding the pressure", he constantly blames her for his own mistakes. "This game is really on you, darling! (...) I don't have any aggression problems," he shouts. And adds: "Are you stupid?" The viewer sees how he "kicks the hourglass away" and ends up belittling his partner once again as stupid and listless. This kind of behavior has nothing to do with sportsmanship.

"Disgusting, bitchy bitch behavior"

The "newcomers" don't come off particularly well in the "brick game" either. It's really unpleasant how Playgirl Hanna also orders her partner around. At some point, she can no longer stand the cheeky tone and just says: "Shut up."

It's also disconcerting to see Serkan and Maurice enjoying the tears of the women who have had enough. Every weakness is celebrated as satisfaction. So it's all the nicer that it's the couple that wins the "brick game", of all things, who are almost thought to be out. Maurice's face is simply marvelous when Vanessa and Aleks are the only couple to win.

The ninth episode reveals, in Vanessa's words, just "disgusting, bitchy bitch behavior. (...) What goes on in this flat share is nothing more than a mirror of society." The other games don't give rise to any sense of unity either. At the end of this episode, Pia and Zico of all people have to pack their bags and leave the house.

Pia cries and wants "to go home tonight. (...) Even if I have to pay for the cab myself!" In her opinion, it is "inhuman and weak what they are prepared to do for 50,000 euros". Serkan, "the head of the new gang", seems to be unstoppable. Oh, Bushido, "Diggah, Diggah", how much we needed you in the house this year!

Despite the entertaining nature of Reality TV shows like this one, it's disheartening to see instances of RTL's "Summer House" where contestants exhibit poor behavior towards each other. For example, during the "brick game," Playgirl Hanna ordered her partner around in a disrespectful manner, prompting her to tell him to "Shut up." Similarly, Maurice exhibited a commanding tone towards his partner Ricarda in the "Withstanding the pressure" game, blaming her for his mistakes and belittling her, displaying an alarming level of aggression.




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