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Matthias Schweighöfer: "I can't really sing very well"

Matthias Schweighöfer is an actor. What about his other artistic skills?

Matthias Schweighöfer plays the role of the producer of the band Milli Vanilli in the new
Matthias Schweighöfer plays the role of the producer of the band Milli Vanilli in the new film "Girl You Know It's True".

Actors - Matthias Schweighöfer: "I can't really sing very well"

Actor Matthias Schweighöfer takes a self-critical look at his skills as a dancer and singer. "I can dance, but I don't have good posture. I can't necessarily walk straight, for example, and I'm not always the most confident guy when I go somewhere," he told the German Press Agency in an interview. Singing is not easy for him either. "I'm not really good at singing," said Schweighöfer.

The 42-year-old plays the role of Frank Farian, the producer of the band Milli Vanilli, in the new film "Girl You Know It's True" (film release on December 21) by director Simon Verhoeven. The film tells the story of one of the biggest cheating scandals in music history, when it was revealed in the early 1990s that Milli Vanilli had never sung their hits such as "I'm Gonna Miss You" themselves.

Instagram from Matthias Schweighöfer

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