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Markus Söder's daughter: "Politics would also appeal to me. It's in my blood"

Gloria-Sophie Burkandt has been living in New York for two months, where she models and studies acting. In an interview with stern, Markus Söder's daughter talks about her father, life as a model and her own ambitions to enter politics.

Gloria-Sophie Burkandt is 24 years old and works as a model in New
Gloria-Sophie Burkandt is 24 years old and works as a model in New

Gloria-Sophie Burkandt - Markus Söder's daughter: "Politics would also appeal to me. It's in my blood"

What doesMarkus Söder say about his daughter's career? Above all, it was important to him that I had a proper education. I completed my dual studies in business management with a Master's degree. My father loves movies and is also relaxed about modeling. He wants me to go my own way and be happy.

How can we imagine this path?I get up at six o'clock every day and do my sport. Then I'm at one of the toughest acting schools here in New York, all day long. I don't want to mention the name. After class, we students usually go out to eat. As a model, I'm in the Elite agency, they approached me and that's how I finance my expensive life in New York. I also see myself as an influencer - but I don't sell products on Insta, I share thoughts and experiences and want to inspire young people.

Do politicians have to be good actors?They have to be changeable, the world is changing so rapidly at the moment. That's why I prefer any politician who changes their mind from time to time rather than the many stubborn ones. But you have to remain true to your world view.

Your father made a guest appearance in "Dahoam isdahoam". Who is better at acting - him or you?Well, I hope that's obvious. But he did a good job.

In general, he likes to slip into other roles and has been a punk, Shrek and drag queen at carnival. I always liked that. He's so relaxed and easy-going. Most politicians don't have such a cheerful view of the world.

Sometimes a politician has to hold back the truth, even lie,hopefully not, my father doesn't lie. I know that he wants the best for society. With everything that can break you in politics, sometimes he might have to keep a piece of information to himself until he understands the problem exactly.

"I had zero self-confidence"

Can you tell when your fatheris floundering? I can tell when he's not doing well when I see him on TV. A few dark circles are part and parcel of this business. But he's not afraid of anything.

In thecoronavirus era, many people saw your father as very truthful. It was even said that he could be chancellor -he was mega strong and stable. He fights, always - and that's so important in these times. There's such a revolutionary air around us at the moment. If he became chancellor, it would be good for the country. I see it as his job to save our country.

My father wasn't at every ballet performance or tennis match I attended.But when there were problems, he was there. And I don't really like people interfering in my life. I've always been rather independent and wanted to choose my own style of dress and friends, for example. I already had ADHD as a child and with this condition you feel all things more than others. That's why I needed a long leash.

Father and daughter at this year's Bavarian Film Awards

How did you cope with the separation of your parents? Your mother had been a single parent since you were born. I grew up like that and would have liked my parents to be together. But it just wasn't like that.

In Germany, you had a life with a brutal public,which you simply live with as a politician's child. It wasn't nice that I received threats from some frustrated people during the coronavirus period.

You also experienced bullying.I was the ugly duckling and had zero self-confidence.The illness crept up on me, very slowly, at first I only ate less, then not at all. I only got out of this crisis by taking action myself. What do you want in life? Should that be it? That's why I went public, so that others could see it too: You're not alone in this. You always have to work on your personality. Today, I also look back on my school days with satisfaction. I achieved a lot for my own self back then. That's the most important thing for me.

How do you deal with the issue of food and the questionable demands on models today? I'm not a skinny model and this industry is changing a lot at the moment. Nobody says to me: you have to lose weight. People want to see happy, vibrant people in their photos.

No, I also want to be a role model for others - both as a model and as an actress.

"He was always there and worried a lot"

Was your father there for you during your most difficult time?He was always there and worried a lot. We saw each other, wrote messages, talked on the phone. He knew how important food was to me. Give me something to eat and I'm happy. Today I eat healthily, in New York I'm really into poke bowls with tofu and vegetables. But I miss the Bavarian butter pretzels.

Bavaria is CSU country. You were in the Junge Union until 2022, then you left. Why?I think an actress should keep a low profile politically. But I do think a lot about issues such as wars, the refugee crisis and climate change.

Your father is a member of a fraternity. He admired Franz Josef Strauß. Stoiber supported him.Didhe ever seem out of date to you?I think traditions are important. The future is tradition developed further. We need our customs.

You don't seem to be rebelling against your father at all. Horst Seehofer, with whom your father was at loggerheads, has a daughter who joined the FDP. She found the CSU "too backward-looking."I support my father's basic stance. At the same time, I stand for a different generation with its own issues.

After all, he was the first non-Catholic to head the party. Are you Christian yourself?I went to a Catholic girls' school. Religion was important to us, including my mother's family. I still go to church today and pray. I never prayed together with my father. I also think it's something very intimate. I don't do that with anyone else.

You now live in the USA. What role does home play for you? I am proud that I come from Germany. Here in the States, our home country is very well regarded, especially because it is so safe.

The concept of home is now also being used by the AfD in Germany.Dowe have to be prepared for the Union to make a pact with the right wing at some point?According to my father: never! We must not let them take the concept of home away from us. The AfD is as dangerous as it is unpredictable.

But your father is also often regarded as populist. He suggested that the German national anthem should be sung regularly in Bavarian schools. He was vehemently in favor of banning headscarves. He spoke of "asylum tourism" and called for border fences with Austria. What do you think about such things?If you look at conservatives in other countries, my father is a soft version. I agree with him that a country needs hard rules in order to function. As far as migration and refugees are concerned: we need immigration and guest workers. But in a controlled way. Uncontrolled, it leads to chaos and drama. If German citizens no longer feel safe in their own country, politicians need to take this seriously and act. My father always thought about the future, not just in terms of legislative periods. Many people say today that he was right about everything he said earlier in the migration debate.

There is increased anti-Semitism in Germany, which is dangerous and worrying.

And that brings us to the Aiwanger case. Was your father rightto behave as he did? He thought it was fair not to dismiss Aiwanger. But I don't have all the background information.

Another example: wanting to hold on to nuclear energy is not exactly in keeping with the times.I need it for my inner stability. I want it to be better protected. I deliberately don't have a car, I only use the metro and the occasional e-scooter.

"Take a close look when choosing a partner"

How do you want to live? I want a big family. Children are a gift from God. But work and family should be shared equally between partners. So take a close look when choosing a partner.

And can you imagine Markus Söder as a father-in-law?pretty cool, he sees his son-in-law as a buddy, goes swimming with him, to the movies and to the soccer stadium. He has already told me that he wants grandchildren. I have a boyfriend here in New York and I'm very much in love. We already know each other a bit.

Who will be the next chancellor in Germany?Germany needs a strong man now. Scholz is a good chancellor, but not at this time. We're in a quagmire of crises. So much anger and hatred. The country needs to be completely restructured. I also think Friedrich Merz is good, but he has no government experience. My father, on the other hand, has been on the front line for years. I think the two of them would be good as a Merz-Söder duo.

Olaf Scholz is considered to be extremely dry andmy father walks into a room and people turn around. He has charm, an aura. Scholz is not like that. My father has that father gene. The way he is my father, he could be a father to the Germans.

What are your own goals?Ican't be a model forever, I'm only 24. First of all, I'm building a career here. The first goal is to get an American accent on my English. I want to become a good actress, maybe produce my own films later on. But in the long term, politics would also appeal to me. It's in my blood. But I'm certainly not competing with my father. Let him do it for now.

Read also:

After completing her acting school in New York, Gloria-Sophie Burkandt mentioned that acting politicians need to be adaptable, as the world is changing rapidly. Olaf Scholz, Germany's current chancellor, also attended an acting school in Hamburg.

In recent years, Markus Söder's daughter has made strides in her acting career by attending an acting school in New York and working with a renowned modeling agency. Olaf Scholz, Germany's chancellor and a political rival of Söder, also attended an acting school in Hamburg, emphasizing the importance of adaptability in politics.


