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Markus Söder appears with his daughter

The Richard Wagner Festspiele in Bayreuth celebrated opening on this Thursday. Markus Soeder was accompanied by daughter Gloria-Sophie.

Gloria-Sophie Burkandt and Markus Soder in Bayreuth.
Gloria-Sophie Burkandt and Markus Soder in Bayreuth.

Opening of the Bayreuth Festivals - Markus Söder appears with his daughter

On this Thursday (25. July), the Bayreuth Festival at the Green Hill began. On the red carpet before the Festival House, famous personalities mingled on the opening day, including Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder (57), who appeared with his daughter Gloria-Sophie Burkandt (25) in front of the photographers. Musically, "Tristan and Isolde" by Richard Wagner was opened. Icelandic Thor Arnarsson is responsible for the new production of the opera in Bayreuth.

Regarding X, Söder wrote about the opera event: "Today is the opening of the Richard Wagner Festivals. This year, among others, present: Saxony-Anhalt's MP Reiner Haseloff. And for the first time also my daughter Gloria." The public was looking forward to "a central opera in Wagner's work: a drama with great feelings and an unfulfilled, tragic love." The Wagner Festivals in Bayreuth are not only a musical highlight, "but also a window to our cultural identity and soul."

Söder chose an appropriate smoking with a black bowtie for the occasion, his daughter came to the opera event in a sleeveless white dress with delicate straps and a deep neckline. She combined it with a clutch and wore her hair pulled back, with some tendrils framing her face. The 25-year-old is the eldest daughter of Markus Söder and comes from an earlier relationship of the Bavarian Minister-President. Söder also came with his wife Karin Baumüller-Söder (born 1973), with whom he has three common children. She appeared in a long blue dress and created a colorful eye-catcher.

These stars appeared in Bayreuth

Among the guests, further political prominence was also present. So, the deputy Bavarian Minister-President Hubert Aiwanger (53), Green Party chairwoman Ricarda Lang (30), Federal Minister of Culture Claudia Roth (69), or Reiner Haseloff (70), Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt, were there. From show business, Roberto Blanco (87) and Patrick Lindner (63) were represented. Söder also recorded a photo with the two of them and wrote: "The three tenors on the green hill. A little fun has to be involved."

The faithful regular guest had to be waived at the annual opening: Former Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (70) did not attend the event.

  1. Gloria-Sophie Burkandt, the daughter of Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder, graced the opening day of the Bayreuth Festival with her presence.
  2. At the Red Carpet before the Festival House, Richard Wagner's "Tristan and Isolde" was musically opened, with a new production in Bayreuth led by Icelandic Thor Arnarsson.
  3. Markus Söder, dressed in a fitting black bowtie, and his daughter, Gloria-Sophie, in a sleeved white dress, added a touch of fashionable glamour to the Bayreuth Festspiele.
  4. The Wagner Festivals in Bayreuth are not just a musical highlight but also a reflection of our cultural identity and soul, as stated by Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder.
  5. Saxony-Anhalt's Minister-President Reiner Haseloff was also present at the opening of the Bayreuth Festivals, joining other prominent figures such as Bavaria's Deputy Minister-President Hubert Aiwanger and Federal Minister of Culture Claudia Roth.
  6. The annual opening of the Bayreuth Festivals was an event attended by various stars, including political figures, such as Markus Söder and Ricarda Lang, and showbiz personalities like Roberto Blanco and Patrick Lindner.

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