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Marc Terenzi and Verena Kerth announce separation

Rumors have been around for a long time, now it's official: Verena Kerth and Marc Terenzi are no longer a couple. The moderator announced it in social media.

Verena Kerth and Marc Terenzi in the spring at Hamburg Cathedral
Verena Kerth and Marc Terenzi in the spring at Hamburg Cathedral

Celebrity Couple - Marc Terenzi and Verena Kerth announce separation

The moderator Verena Kerth has confirmed that she and singer Marc Terenzi have been separated for a longer period of time. "Where there's smoke, there's fire. That's true. Marc and I had an unavoidable hard time and have not been a couple for a longer period," she wrote on Instagram. "With that, it's now officially out and we can put an end to the speculations."

Rumors of a separation had been circulating lately. The reason for this was that Kerth and Terenzi appeared at various events individually. Now the end of their relationship is official. Terenzi has not commented yet.

Verena Kerth explains why she kept quiet about the news

In her post, Kerth explained why she had kept quiet about the news. "Why I had been silent for so long: I needed some distance to sort myself out," she said. The past two years had been "a crazy rollercoaster ride" for her, "which demanded a lot psychically from me." "It will still take some time until I have really processed everything that has happened, but letting go was the first, very healing step. At the moment, I'm just happy to have my own life back."

Verena Kerth and Marc Terenzi had been a couple since their long friendship in the summer of 2022. Half a year later, Terenzi proposed to her on TV, right after she had left Dschungelcamp. Later followed the wedding in Las Vegas, now the separation of the two B-celebrities.

Despite her need for personal space and emotional healing, Verena Kerth's separation from Marc Terenzi had been a topic of public speculation due to their individual appearances at events. Konfirmierend, die Beziehung zwischen der Moderatorin und dem Sänger sei längere Zeit getrennt. Marc Terenzi hat bislang noch keine offiziellen Kommentare dazu abgegeben.

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