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Manuela Wisbeck "would have loved to stay"

New issue, next excerpt: Manuela Wisbeck will soon be able to embrace her loved ones again.

Manuela Wisbeck also has to leave "Promi Big Brother"
Manuela Wisbeck also has to leave "Promi Big Brother"

"Celebrity Big Brother" - Manuela Wisbeck "would have loved to stay"

Actress Manuela Wisbeck (40) was the next contestant to leave the "Promi Big Brother" container on November 30. She had actually wanted to stay longer, but the show made her realize what else she "actually has in life". And the whole thing actually has one good thing for Wisbeck: she can now escape all the frustration that has built up among the residents over the last few days.

One makes it "really cool", the other wishes for "nicer words"

Before that, however, there was good news for the participants. Big Brother offered them a swap, which they gladly accepted. The celebrities were given back the mattresses they had to hand in after breaking numerous rules. Reality TV veteran Matthias Mangiapane (40) explained that he had never taken part in such a tough format before. "There is definitely frustration in the container," confirmed Paulina Ljubas (26). The motivation is "at zero", said Wisbeck. "Everyone is tired, everyone is hungry." The candidates will now have to do without the sofas in the container for the time being.

In further reviews of the past few hours, some of which also featured Ron Bielecki (25), who was kicked out the day before, the celebrities made themselves comfortable in duos in a hot tub, among other things. Iris Klein (56) and her former partner Peter (56) once again talked about their relationship. According to Iris, there had only been "bad moments" and he had "simply ruined everything", she explained tearfully.

More tears were shed by most of the"Promi Big Brother" inmates when they were allowed to watch video messages from their loved ones. Iris Klein was delighted to receive messages from her daughters Daniela Katzenberger (37) and Jenny Frankhauser (31), among others. "You're doing really well," Katzenberger said to her. And TV star Yeliz Koc (30) finally got to see her little daughter Snow again - but would have liked "nicer words" from her mother. She had the feeling that she had done something wrong.

The move out and the next exit

Shortly before midnight, Wisbeck finally had to say goodbye to her housemates. She will miss Peter Klein and Paulina Ljubas the most, she explained: "I really liked them." Although she "really would have liked to stay", she is also looking forward to her home.

After moving out, current container boss Koc also had to nominate three housemates for the next exit. She was reluctant to make a decision and ended up with Marco Strecker (21), Iris Klein and Mangiapane, who was not at all happy with the choice.

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