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Mannheim authorities respond emotionally to the passing of a fellow officer.

A police officer severely injured in a knife attack in Mannheim on Friday passes away on Sunday, with his fellow officers expressing heartfelt goodbyes.

Minutes after his death became known, police officers mourn their dead colleague on the market...
Minutes after his death became known, police officers mourn their dead colleague on the market square in Mannheim

Assault at the marketplace - Mannheim authorities respond emotionally to the passing of a fellow officer.

The passing of a young police officer due to a stabbing incident in Mannheim has left Germany in a state of disbelief and deliberation. The unfortunate event took place during the Pax Europa (BPE), an Islam-critical movement event, on a Friday morning at the city center's marketplace. A male individual inflicted injuries upon six people, which included the police officer who later died on Sunday afternoon because of his injuries. The police officer had his head repeatedly stabbed by the attacker. He was subsequently operated on following the attack and put in an artificial coma, but to no avail.

The fellow officers of the deceased police officer conveyed their grief and shock on Facebook, stating, "We mourn our colleague - he risked his life to protect others!"

"We are utterly distraught - his loss impacts us all significantly, and we're left speechless in the process. The entire police community is mourning him while keeping his family, friends, and loved ones in our thoughts. He was a unique individual - composed and methodical in his actions and always radiated a warm, inviting grin. We'll forever remember him!"

Diverse law enforcement agencies lamented the loss of their colleague on the platform X under the hashtag #einervonuns. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier commented, "I'm deeply saddened by the police officer's demise, who courageously stepped in to safeguard people's lives." Steinmeier also conveyed his trepidation regarding "the coarsening of political discussions and the increasing propensity for violence in our nation." He implored, "This should not continue. Violence jeopardizes what has contributed to the strength of our democracy."

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) stated on X, "His devotion to our security deserves the most prestigious recognition. Throughout these somber hours, I'm reflecting on his family and those who grieve for him." CDU leader Friedrich Merz remarked on X, "The knife attack on Friday has evolved into a heinous killer on Monday. My thoughts are with the family. It's just tragic. This murder must result in severe consequences, even for those who sympathize with the criminal."

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) commended the police officer's efforts. "He attempted to save lives and died to ensure our safety and freedom," she wrote on X.

In Baden-Württemberg, political leaders shared their sentiments about the police officer's untimely demise. "The news has left me devastated," stated Minister President Winfried Kretschmann. "This despicable act is a stark reminder of the potentially treacherous nature of a police officer's duty, resulting in unforeseen repercussions on their wellbeing and life." Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) expressed his profound sadness. "These are the moments when time seems to stand still." Gloomily, he added, "For police officers, each mission can be hazardous, with unforeseeable consequences for their health and well-being."

Various politicians accompanied their remarks with cautions against Islamism. "The perpetrator must face the full fury of the law for his heinous act. The motivation will be further examined; however, it's evident: Our security agencies are closely observing the Islamist realm and plan to intensify the struggle further," declared Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) on X.

Green Party chairperson Ricarda Lang spoke with Caren Miosga on the show "Caren Miosga" that "Islamism is a menace to a free society. It should be tackled as such."

FDP leader Christian Lindner expressed his anger about current events in the country on the platform "X." "We need to protect ourselves from Islamic terrorism. We will provide extra funds to the security agencies for this. Enough of the faltering tolerance," insisted the Federal Finance Minister.

The co-chairs of AfD, Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, expressed their worry that "officials must danger their lives every day due to a misguided migration and security policy." Weidel and Chrupalla also demanded an end to immigration from Afghanistan and the initiation of deportations there.

The investigation into the perpetrator's motive has been handed over to the state protection department of the Karlsruhe Public Prosecutor's Office. His motive remains obscure. So far, the attacker, a 25-year-old individual born in Afghanistan and arriving in Germany in 2014, has not been questioned. The District Court of Karlsruhe has issued a warrant for the man, who was injured in the minutes following the attack.

The treasurer of Pax Europa, Stefanie Kizina, suggested to the "Bild" newspaper that the attack was purposely directed at board member Michael Stürzenberger. The 59-year-old had his face injured with a knife.

Stürzenberger and his cohort within the Pax Europa movement are considered part of the realm of constitutionally significant Islamophobia by the authorities in Bavaria. In the past, Stürzenberger has served as a meeting leader for Pax Europa and appeared as an author on the right-wing extremist website Political Incorrect. The Bavarian Information Center against Extremism announced that he propagated "Islamophobic statements."

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