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Man leaves behind 16-month-old child in vehicle in Alsace, frigid conditions result in infant's death

Tragedy in an Alsace company parking lot: an overlooked toddler perished in a sweltering vehicle. The child's father was transported to the hospital due to shock.

Ein 16 Monate altes Kleinkind ist in Frankreich in einem Auto auf einem Firmenparkplatz gestorben....
Ein 16 Monate altes Kleinkind ist in Frankreich in einem Auto auf einem Firmenparkplatz gestorben. (Symbolbild)

Adversity strikes. - Man leaves behind 16-month-old child in vehicle in Alsace, frigid conditions result in infant's death

A 16-month-old baby passed away in France after being left in a hot car on a corporate parking lot. The child's father had forgotten to remove the baby from the nursery and went straight to his workplace in Sausheim, close to the German border, on Tuesday. By the time the mother found out the baby was missing from the nursery, it was already too late. The child had been left in the heated vehicle all day in the scorching sun. An autopsy would later determine the cause of death.

Temperatures outside reached up to 22 degrees on that day, while the car parked far from any shade could have reached temperatures of 47 degrees inside, "Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace" reported. The rescue services could only confirm the tragic death. The parents received psychological support. The father was taken to the hospital in a very distressed state.

Researchers describe this forgetfulness as the Forgetful Baby Syndrome, an incident experienced by 25% of parents with babies or toddlers at some point. They added that it's uncommon for such tragic consequences to occur. Psychologists believe that stress, sleep deprivation, or changed routines could lead to forgetting the child. American professor of psychology, David M. Diamond, studied the syndrome and found that regular tasks like commuting to work are usually performed on autopilot, creating a false memory of the baby not being in the car.

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