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Man kills several people in a nursing home, among them his mother

Five people reportedly died by the bullets of a man in a retirement home in Croatia. The background is unclear.

The police in Croatia have arrested a suspect (pictures)
The police in Croatia have arrested a suspect (pictures)

Croatia - Man kills several people in a nursing home, among them his mother

In Croatia, a man killed several people at a nursing home and was subsequently arrested. The Croatian police confirmed this to "" upon request. The police made no statements regarding the number of fatalities.

According to consistent media reports, the man also killed his mother living in the nursing home. Among the five victims, there were also reportedly other nursing home residents and a caregiver.

Armed man breaks into nursing home in Croatia

A man armed with a weapon reportedly broke into the Old-Age and Care Home in Daruvar, central Croatia, about 130 kilometers east of the capital Zagreb, and shot indiscriminately. Five people were reportedly killed instantly, and there were additional injuries, according to "".

The attacker fled and was apprehended by the police shortly after the incident at a café. The suspect is reportedly a retired military policeman, born in 1973, according to the portal "".

Minister of Health Vili Beros, Minister for Labor, Pension System, Family, and Social Policy Marin Piletic, Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic, and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic are expected at the crime scene. The Prime Minister intends to make a statement on the fatal attack in the afternoon.

The attacker, identified as a retired military policeman, was apprehended by the Police at a café following the shooting incident at the Altersheim in Daruvar, Croatia. The Old-Age and Care Home in Daruvar, located about 130 kilometers east of Zagreb, was the scene of the incident where five people, including the suspect's mother, were reportedly killed and others injured.

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