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Macron prepares for government discussions with Scholz.

French President Macron's trip to Germany has thus far been harmonious, but the final government meetings on armament and economic issues could result in more intense discussions.

Macron betonte die Wichtigkeit der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen und trat dem Eindruck...
Macron betonte die Wichtigkeit der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen und trat dem Eindruck entgegen, dass diese in jüngster Zeit gelitten hätten.

Global Xchange: Connecting Communities Around the World - Macron prepares for government discussions with Scholz.

In summing up his three-day journey to Germany, French President Emmanuel Macron is scheduled to talk politics with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). Furthermore, various ministers from their respective governments are set to partake in the discussion at Schloss Meseberg in Brandenburg.

The central subjects entail defense and security concerns in addition to European competition policies. Notably, the French-German Defense and Security Council and the French-German Ministerial Council will congregate at Meseberg. To begin, a meeting between Macron and Scholz will take place prior.

The French leader will initially travel to Munster in the morning. At this juncture, he will garner the International Peace Prize of Westphalia. This accolade seeks to commend Macron's commendable efforts in bolstering European collaboration. The honorary affair occurs once every two years, organized by the Economic Society for Westphalia and Lippe (WWL). Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will express his accolade on Macron.

At the end of the state visit, Macron and wife Brigitte will attend a ceremony in the Munster city hall. This assembly represents the last stage of France's visit to Germany in 24 years. Throughout his time in Germany, Macron made stops in Berlin and Dresden. During the meeting at Meseberg, diplomatic discussions concerning German and French military convergence will transpire.

Issues Influence Unsmooth Partnership

In the past two years, since the Ampel administration of Chancellor Scholz assumed power, cooperation has been problematic. This extends to strategies supporting Ukraine, as well as economic policies aligning with rivals the USA and China.

Advocating greater European independence with its own defense and economic protection from unfair competition from China and the United States, Macron desires stronger European autonomy. In contrast, Scholz prefers adhering to his transatlantic orientation and cultivating close ties with China, a significant trading partner. Moreover, Macron's contemplation of deploying ground troops in the Ukraine conflict came as a surprise to Scholz, who rejects the idea categorically.

Scholz's aversion toward transferring long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine for defense against Russian aggression is also notable. France, on the other hand, supplies Ukraine with Scalp missiles, which have a lower range than Taurus missiles.

Growth in Bilateral Defense Collaboration

The Defense and Security Council gathering will address military collaboration between Germany and France. Recently, considerable advancements have transpired in this realm. In April, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) and French counterpart Sébastien Lecornu signed an accord establishing the basis for a shared land combat system. In addition, Germany, France, and Spain are developing a future air combat system.

Nevertheless, the matter remains challenging. Cooperative endeavors involve industrial policy predicaments and collide with the fundamental query of whether a robust European defense should buttress NATO or exist as an independent alternative.

Macron and Brigitte touched down in Berlin on Sunday. Both officials acknowledging the gravity of Franco-German relations and refuted the impression of their relationship dwindling. On Monday, Macron paid a visit to Saxony.

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