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Macron finishes his visit - next, government talks take place.

Macron's trip to Germany has been harmonious so far. However, potential government negotiations at the end may get more serious, covering topics like arms and the economy.

Macron betonte die Wichtigkeit der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen und trat dem Eindruck...
Macron betonte die Wichtigkeit der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen und trat dem Eindruck entgegen, dass diese in jüngster Zeit gelitten hätten.

The international event brings together individuals and organizations from across the globe to foster collaboration, share ideas, and promote progress. - Macron finishes his visit - next, government talks take place.

After wrapping up a three-day trip in Germany, President Emmanuel Macron will confer with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for political discussions. Representatives from both parties will be present. The main topics up for debate will consist of defense and security issues, as well as European competition policy. The German-French Defense and Security Council and German-French Ministerial Council will convene at Schloss Meseberg in Brandenburg. A preliminary gathering between Macron and Scholz is also planned.

Prior to his rendezvous with Scholz, Macron will journey to Münster in the morning. Upon arrival, he will receive the International Peace Prize of Westphalia, which commends his efforts in advancing European partnerships. This accolade is bestowed every two years by the Economic Society for Westphalia and Lippe (WWL). President Steinmeier will deliver the address in praise of the French chief.

The ceremony at Münster City Hall is meant to mark the conclusion of Macron's state visit, marking the first by a French president in Germany in a quarter of a century. Accompanied by his spouse Brigitte, he previously visited Berlin and Dresden during his tenure. The deliberations at Meseberg subsequently focus on the joint operations between Paris and Berlin.

Tensions have emerged within the past two years, with Scholz's traffic light administration. This is evident in their distinct approaches toward Ukraine, as well as their economic strategies when facing off against the United States and China.

Macron advocates for amplified self-autonomy within the European Union, encompassing a deficient defense strategy and economic safeguards from unjust competition from the United States and China. Conversely, Scholz implicitly prioritizes his international affiliations and Beijing's role as a significant trading partner. Macron's unexpected proposals of dispatching ground troops to Ukraine, which Scholz refuses to contemplate, amplify their divide.

Scholz also opposes transferring Taurus-type long-range missiles to Ukraine for defensive measures against Russian hostilities. In contrast, France provides Ukraine with Scalp missiles, which have a shorter range compared to the Taurus systems.

Reinforcement of bilateral defense collaboration

During the assembly at Meseberg, a significant focus will be on the inner workings of defense cooperation. In the recent past, considerable advancements have been made in this area. In April, the defense ministers of Germany and France, Boris Pistorius (SPD) and Sébastien Lecornu, laid the groundwork for a joint ground combat mechanism. They inked a contract that also resolved the longstanding disagreement over the distribution of responsibilities for this massive task. Furthermore, Germany, France, and Spain are collectively developing a future air combat system.

Nonetheless, the subject proves challenging. The stakes include substantial contractual deals and industrial policy dilemmas. Additionally, it brings to light the fundamental query of whether bolstered European defense is to act as a NATO pillar - or stand independently from it.

Macron and his significant other, Brigitte, arrived in Berlin on Sunday afternoon. Macron and Steinmeier reinforced the significance of Franco-German links at the outset, refuting the impression these ties had crumbled of late. On Monday, Macron ventured to Saxony.

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