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Macron defends stricter immigration law

"Protective shield that we lacked"

Macron hopes to weaken the right-wing populists by tackling their
Macron hopes to weaken the right-wing populists by tackling their

Macron defends stricter immigration law

France's parliament passes a new immigration law. It is so rigid that the faction of the right-wing populist Rassemblement National unanimously approves it. President Macron considers the new regulations to be necessary - even if he does not support everything that has now been decided.

French President Emmanuel Macron has defended the immigration law passed by parliament against criticism, including from within his own ranks. Macron told France 5 television that the law was clearly aimed at preventing migrants from immigrating to France irregularly and thus also preventing the social security system from being overburdened. At the same time, migrants who had previously worked without residence papers were to be granted a residence permit under certain conditions.

The controversial law was passed by parliament late on Tuesday evening, albeit in a significantly more stringent version under pressure from the conservative opposition party Les Républicains. As the government has constitutional doubts about some points, Macron wants to submit the law to the Constitutional Council. The Council will then examine the law for its legality. Some passages may need to be amended before the project comes into force.

There was also criticism of the fact that the law was only able to pass through parliament because the right-wing nationalist Rassemblement National voted in favor of the project rather than against it. Instead of clearly distancing itself from Marine Le Pen's party, the government had moved closer to the right-wing party, the accusation went. "I say quite openly that our compatriots have been waiting for this law and if you want to prevent the Rassemblement National and its ideas from coming to power, then you have to tackle the problems that strengthen the party," said Macron.

However, there are also "things in the law that don't make me jump for joy", the president admitted. The fact that students from non-EU countries are required to pay a deposit in the event of their deportation, for example, is "not a good idea" in his opinion. All in all, however, the law is helpful. "It is the protective shield that we were missing," said Macron.

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