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Macron advocates for an independent European union in Dresden.

Delivering a speech near the Frauenkirche

"Europa ist ein Garant für Frieden" - Macron spricht vor Tausenden in Dresden.
"Europa ist ein Garant für Frieden" - Macron spricht vor Tausenden in Dresden.

Macron advocates for an independent European union in Dresden.

French leader Macron addresses thousands in Dresden- Emmanuel Macron advocates for a strong and independent Europe at Frauenkirche- President points to rising threats of war, economic competition

French President Emmanuel Macron delivered a speech in Dresden, Germany, where he emphasized the importance of a unified Europe as a guarantor of peace, prosperity, and democracy. Speaking before a crowd of thousands, Macron reminded them that "Europe is a story of peace, prosperity, and democracy." The idea of Europe as a principal keeper of peace could feel outdated to some, but he insisted with Europe facing ongoing conflicts through Russia's incursion into Ukraine, it was essential for Europeans to stand united.

"Today, as the first French president since reunification to appear in front of you in Dresden, it moves me," he expressed. Macron reminisced about his earlier days learning the German language and culture in a French school, and participating in an exchange program between his hometown of Amiens and that of Dortmund. At that time, Germany was still divided by the Berlin Wall. Despite this, he expressed great joy in standing before them as a Frenchman, a German ally, and a believer in Europe. "It's a pleasure for me to be here with you, here on the Neumarkt."

In the face of increasing tension between Russia and Ukraine, Macron supported a more active European approach to national security and defence. In economic matters, he emphasized the need for a sustainable growth model that supports both growth and climate protection. "Europe needs a growth model for future generations," said Macron. He later joked about his language skills, confessing his efforts to learn German language and culture, and sharing his experience in an exchange program between Amiens and Dortmund during a period when Germany still bore the scars of the Berlin Wall. "It's a pleasure for me to be here after having had to cancel our meeting last year."

During a speech at the 2023 state ceremony for the late German politician, Wolfgang Schäuble in the Bundestag, Macron dazzled many with his use of German. He also sprinkled some German phrases into his speech at the Schloss Bellevue dinner the following day, calling the country "the land of poets and thinkers, also a land of DJs and teams for the French youth."

Sharing his personal experiences, Macron cherished the strong bond between France and Germany. "We must work together to ensure the success of our countries and the whole European family," he insisted. Urging a proactive Europe, Macron decried potential threats to peace in his speech, "Europe is a guarantor of peace." In a time where conflicts and economic rivalries were brewing, he promoted the importance of forging stronger ties between EU countries such as creating unified security and defence policies and jointly participating in NATO efforts.

Reflecting further on Europe's position, Macron reminded the audience that "Europe is our history." Highlighting the continent's achievements and its capacity for growth and sustainability, he pushed for greater cooperation and unity within the European family. "Let's take on this challenge together," he urged. With war raging in Europe again, Macron believes that it is more crucial than ever for a united Europe to emerge and take a leading role in shaping the future.

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