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Macron advocates for a robust, self-sufficient Europe.

During a visit to Germany, the French President delivers a speech at the city's Frauenkirche, advocating for a robust and self-governing Europe. However, it's his remarks on another subject that draw thunderous applause.

Emmanuel Macron nach seiner Rede auf dem Dresdener Neumarkt vor der Frauenkirche.
Emmanuel Macron nach seiner Rede auf dem Dresdener Neumarkt vor der Frauenkirche.

Ruler's Chief - Macron advocates for a robust, self-sufficient Europe.

France's President Emmanuel Macron has urged for a powerful and autonomous Europe as the source of peace, prosperity, and democracy in Dresden. Europe now faces a significant turning point, stated the President during his speech at the Frauenkirche. "Europe is a tale of peace, abundance, and democracy." If Europe remains passive, these values are at stake. "Europe is a peacekeeper. For several years, this principle appeared dated. But today, there is war in Europe again."

As Russia wages its aggressive war against Ukraine, it is necessary for Europe to establish its own security and defense policy and function as allies under NATO. In economic policy, Europe must similarly grow more sovereign and self-sufficient, specifically against competition from China and the United States. "Europe requires a growth model designed for future generations," declared Macron. Simultaneously promoting economic growth and climate protection is crucial.

Macron cautions against extremists in Europe

Macron also alerted about the peril of extremists in Europe. Democracy and freedom have seemed inherent to everyone, he said during his speech at the Frauenkirche in Dresden. After the demise of the Berlin Wall, evolving the notion that these principles would spread everywhere. "However, let's survey our environment today! Let's witness the fascination with authoritarian regimes. Let's witness the illiberal era we are experiencing in Europe!"

Numerous people claim to want to depart Europe, yet not the independence of the judiciary, press freedom, cultural diversity, or university autonomy. "This inclination is not a wave, it is a precise judgment in Hungary. This was the fact till the wondrous elections in Poland." Macron elaborated: "These principles are thriving everywhere in our democracies and gaining momentum from the extremists and especially the far-right extremists."

Macron urges: "Let us become aware! Our Europe is not a supermarket!" Europe is more than just a place where we establish common laws. "It is a foundation of values, culture, individual and political freedoms." He reiterated: "We must find the courage, the involvement to safeguard it everywhere in front of this unfavorable wind and the extremists."

Macron initiates his Europe speech in Dresden in German

Macron initiated his Euro speech in Dresden in German and evoked massive applause. "Today, as the first French president since reunification to speak here in Dresden in your presence, it stirs me (...) particularly. It deeply moves me," Macron said. "My initial personal connection with Germany was in the French school." Macron mastered the German language and culture and still continues to do so. "I endeavor, I promise." At the time, he also participated in an exchange between his hometown of Amiens and Dortmund. "I discovered your country, which was still split by the Wall at the time."

Macron declared it an honor to address Dresden. "It is an honor for me as a Frenchman and German enthusiast, but also as a committed European." Macron also expressed: "It is a thrill for me to be here with you, here on the Neumarkt. Maybe I should state, it is a delight for me to be here, after I alas had to cancel our encounter last year. However, postponed is not concealed."

Previously, Macron left an impression with a speech at the state ceremony for the lost CDU politician Wolfgang Schäuble in the German Bundestag, which he conveyed predominantly in German. He also assorted German phrases into his dinner speech at Schloss Bellevue on Sunday, such as when he talked about the country of poets and thinkers, which is also a country of DJs and squads for the French youth.

Read also:

  1. Macron's call for a strong Europe extends beyond its borders, as he emphasized the importance of maintaining democracy and peace during his visit to Dresden, Saxony, in Germany.
  2. In response to geopolitical challenges, Macron proposed that Europe should strengthen its self-sufficiency, positioning itself as a formidable competitor in the global market, including against key players like the USA and China.
  3. Macron highlighted Europe's role as a peacekeeping force, stating that evidence of war in Europe once again emphasizes the necessity for a united and robust European Union.
  4. During his speech at the Frauenkirche, Macron warned about the rising prevalence of extremist ideologies in Europe, stating that the threat to democracy is not just a temporary trend, but a precise judgment of certain European nations.
  5. Emphasizing the importance of democracy and freedom, Macron reassured European citizens that their values, such as an independent judiciary, press freedom, cultural diversity, and university autonomy, are crucial for maintaining a prosperous and unified Europe.
  6. During his address, Macron emphasized that Europe is more than just a common market, stating that it represents a foundation of values, culture, and individual and political liberties that must be protected.
  7. As a reminder of his commitment to European unity, Macron delivered his inaugural Euro speech in Germany, starting with the German phrase "Guten Abend," and praising his friendship with the German people and the strong cultural ties between France and Germany.


