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Luxury home creator puts opulent abode up for sale

Following his divorce, Harald Glöckler seeks to vacate the shared living space with his ex-spouse.

Harald Glocker is recognized for his eccentric stage acts. Equally flamboyant is the presentation...
Harald Glocker is recognized for his eccentric stage acts. Equally flamboyant is the presentation of his previous residence.

- Luxury home creator puts opulent abode up for sale

Fashion Designer Harald Glöckler (59) Bids Farewell to Yesteryears: He had declared his intention to part ways with his villa in Kirchheim an der Weinstraße, Rhineland-Palatinate, where he used to share life with his long-term partner Dieter Schroth (75), back in the previous year. Nevertheless, Glöckler relocated to Berlin in 2022. Consequently, the opulent villa is now available for purchase, though the price details remain undisclosed. However, the digital property listing reveals other insightful information.

Lavish Roller Shutters on the Superior Floor

Encompassing around 300 square meters of living space, the villa offers eleven rooms, a pool, and a sauna to its prospective buyer. The "Château Pompoös" showcases its extravagance as extravagantly as its celebrated prior resident. One room is solely painted in red, while another is entirely black, and there exists yet another room with striking green wallpaper. "Experience living like a king, this impressive property captivates with its park-like setting and an ambiance meticulously designed with luxury and style," the listing for this three-storey property states. Moreover, "This one-of-a-kind property leaves nothing to be desired, here you can make your dreams a reality..."

This incorporates a bedroom with a high-security door and a roller shutter for added security, capable of sealing off the entire upper floor. This ensures "optimum security for your expensive belongings," the associated real estate agent boasts.

Renowned Designer and Reality TV Personality

Harald Glöckler gained popularity for his fashion brand "Pompoös" and his appearances on shopping-channel television. In 2010 and 2011, he served on the "Let's Dance" jury, starred in a docu at VOX, and was a judge for the casting show "Curvy Supermodel - Real. Beautiful. Curvaceous" in 2016. Additionally, he participated in the RTL jungle camp (in 2022). He shared a 35-year-long relationship with Dieter Schroth, eight of which they were officially married. In February 2023, they officially announced their separation.

The following statement about the villa's availability was made after Harald Glöckler's relocation: The opulent villa is now available for purchase, though the price details remain undisclosed.

The villa's upper floor includes a high-security bedroom with a roller shutter, as boasted by the associated real estate agent, saying: This ensures "optimum security for your expensive belongings."

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