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Look, grandma is still horny!

Vip Vip, hooray!

The Queen of Pop in her profession: Madonna wants to know it
The Queen of Pop in her profession: Madonna wants to know it

Look, grandma is still horny!

Half-naked in bed, her bare-breasted dancers rub up against the Queen of Pop. Madonna, currently on a world tour, wants to do it again at the age of 65. Thoughts on the eternally propagated hunger for sex of a great icon.

"Embarrassing! (...) Like an old, worn-out plow horse! She is ruining her own musical legacy, which she has spent decades building up." You can read thousands of comments like this about Madonna these days. The Queen of Pop, now 65 years old, is currently on a major tour and annoyed 6,000 fans in Cologne this week when she kept them waiting for over an hour in the Lanxess Arena.

Naturally, the musician is cheered by her fans and, according to many, is set to wow them with a spectacular show. However, those who can't afford the tickets, which cost up to 400 euros, have been getting a good impression on social media for weeks of what they are supposedly missing out on during the live performance. The problem: anyone who criticizes Madonna is often labelled a "hater".

Thousands and thousands of snippets of her performance are now circulating online, recorded by fans who were there. Why are you immediately considered a hater if you criticize the fact that she sings playback? Or if you criticize the fact that the sex act she still performs is not only somehow tiring, but almost ridiculous?

Many musicians who were considered rebels in their youth are still on stage today. Mick Jagger is now 80 years old. And of course it cannot be denied that women in the music business, like everywhere else, have a harder time than their male colleagues.

While men are allowed to age, women are often held to different standards. They are expected to be eternally young, beautiful and crisp. Especially if you are in the public eye, you have to be judged. But Madonna doesn't need all that! She no longer has to prove anything to anyone. She could show the whole world that it is a great privilege to age. That there's nothing pathetic about having wrinkles or being tired!

The eternally propagated hunger for sex is annoying!

This woman has written music history and broken taboos. She has so often put her finger in the wound of society, defied politicians and entire systems and was regarded as a pop-cultural revolutionary. As a free spirit. As someone who swims against the tide and has a lot of fun at the same time.

Age, they say, is just a number. Everyone deals with ageing differently. And of course it's also a kind of taboo when Madonna, at 65, lolls around on the bed. After all, it is well known that sex is often better in old age than in youth. However, this artificial sexual horniness of a woman the age of a grandmother always comes across as particularly ridiculous when she has to be helped out of bed just one scene later because she can't get up on her own.

She seems doddery, her dance interludes stolid. As I said, none of this is bad at all. But what is annoying is this eternally propagated hunger for sex! Okay, the grandma is still horny. A great sex life is fulfilling. You can still wear lacy lingerie when you're 100, even if you're wheeled onto the stage in a wheelchair.

Why can't she say: I'm a 65-year-old in a nightgown. Why is she trying to pass as a woman in her mid-thirties? Why are you labeled a hater if you think it's nicer that even icons should age gracefully? If Madonna stood on stage in jeans and a shirt and said: 'Guys, I'm too old to willingly spread my legs to the splits! I'm only singing for you today?

A cog in the beauty industry system

Instead, it is celebrated as another oh-so-big breach of taboo when she spits beer in the front row, her dancers rub themselves bare-breasted against her or she suggests penetrations with dancers who could be her grandchildren. Anyone who does not appreciate this has simply not understood her art and is "not a real fan".

Because as a fan, it seems, you have to like everything your idol does. So you have to celebrate the fact that Madonna lets her ten-year-old daughter Estere dance to the classic "Vogue" in black overknees, a sexy outfit and heels. Some people even say that only uptight people or people without a sex life would criticize Madonna.

Perhaps she just wanted to prove to the whole world how quickly she got back on her feet after a near-fatal bacterial infection in the summer. And that she can still do it. For years, however, her Instagram account has shown the image of a woman who doesn't just seem to have a problem with age.

At her age, she could have done so much for so many women around the world. She could have stood up for all those over 50 who become increasingly invisible in this society as the years go by. Instead, she chose to promote the myth of the ageless grandma who looks younger than her daughter Lourdes thanks to photo filters.

She is no longer a revolutionary, she is a cog in the beauty industry system. Her messages may not be any less important because she delivers them in a negligee, but they fall flat in a crazy world in which a 65-year-old is desperately trying to keep up.


