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Long-missing Kremlin opponent Navalny: "I'm fine"

For weeks, it was not clear where Alexei Navalny was. His team reported at the beginning of the week that they had found him. Now the Kremlin critic has come forward himself.

In this photo provided by the Ombudsman for Human Rights of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous
In this photo provided by the Ombudsman for Human Rights of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous

Russia - Long-missing Kremlin opponent Navalny: "I'm fine"

The Kremlin opponent Alexei Navalny, who has been missing for weeks, has expressed relief after his arrival in the notorious "Polar Wolf" penal camp in the far north of Russia. "20 days on the stage were pretty exhausting, but my mood is still excellent," the 47-year-old said in a letter published on social networks on Tuesday.

In Russia, "on stage" refers to the transfer of prisoners to a penal camp. Navalny's team announced on Monday that the opponent of Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin had been found by a lawyer in the IK-3 camp in Charp in the Arctic Circle after a long search.

"I didn't expect anyone to find me here before mid-January," Navalny said. He thanked his team of lawyers and supporters who had been looking for him for weeks in various pre-trial detention centers and penal camps. "I'm fine," he wrote, "I'm very happy that I've finally arrived."

The Russian authorities had not provided any information on Navalny's whereabouts after he left the previous prison camp in the Vladimir region, around 260 kilometers from Moscow, at the beginning of December. The "Polar Wolf" prison camp, notorious for its brutal prison conditions, is located more than 2,000 kilometers from the capital. The region, which is difficult to access, is known for its permafrost soil.

"I am your new Father Frost", Navalny wrote wittily with a view to the New Year vacations in Russia, which begin this weekend. Father Frost, the Russian Santa Claus, hands over presents on December 31. Navalny reported that he himself had also grown a beard during the 20 days of his journey through Russia into the cold darkness of the Arctic region. "But instead of Ho-Ho-Ho, I say Och-Och-Och," said the politician, who continues to show humor even after almost three years in prison.

Kira Jarmysch at X

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