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Lithuanian president's race ends with Nauseda's victory.

Fervent backer of Kyiv

Bei der ersten Wahlrunde hatte Nauseda die absolute Mehrheit noch verfehlt, die Stichwahl gewann er...
Bei der ersten Wahlrunde hatte Nauseda die absolute Mehrheit noch verfehlt, die Stichwahl gewann er jetzt mit 75 Prozent.

Lithuanian president's race ends with Nauseda's victory.

Lithuania's current president, Gitanas Nauseda, has secured a victory in the recent presidential election, running against his main opponent, Ingrida Simonyte. Nauseda garnered around 75% of the votes, establishing a strong lead in the runoff for the highest office in the Baltic EU and NATO member state. Simonyte conceded defeat and congratulated Nauseda on his win.

Speaking at his victory party, Nauseda expressed his gratitude to the people of Lithuania for their support, citing "a great mandate of trust" that he must honor. He also acknowledged his opponent for the honorable campaign that had taken place.

The recent presidential race saw security and defense issues being central topics, something that has been a prominent focus in Lithuania due to its location on NATO's eastern flank. The country shares borders with Russia's exclave of Kaliningrad and Belarus, an ally of Russia. In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Nauseda was vocal in calling for humanitarian aid and arm deliveries to Kyiv. His position on this issue earned him international recognition as a staunch advocate for his country's interests. This role has put him in the spotlight, both nationally and internationally.

Lithuania's president holds more far-reaching competencies in foreign and defense policy compared to the German Federal President. In his current position since 2019, Nauseda has represented the Baltic state at various EU summits and is, moreover, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. This has made security and defense a significant focus during the current election campaign.

Nauseda and Simonyte had been rivals in a previous presidential election in 2019, where the non-partisan politician emerged as the winner with 66% of the votes amidst a voter turnout of around 62%. This time, the voter turnout was even lower, at 49.6%. Nonetheless, Nauseda managed to secure a clear victory, reinforcing his influence and authority.

Lithuania's president has primarily representative tasks, but holds more substantial roles in foreign and defense policy. He has used these roles to address the country's security concerns, by actively representing Lithuania's interests on the international stage and supervising the country's military forces.

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In the context of Lithuania's international commitments, President Nauseda's victory in the elections reaffirms the country's strong stance within NATO, ensuring continuity in its defense and security policies. During his term, Nauseda has regularly represented Lithuania at NATO summits, underscoring the importance of the alliance in shaping Lithuania's foreign policy.

With Nauseda's continued leadership, Lithuania's commitment to NATO's collective defense principles remains unwavering, and elections serve as an opportunity to reiterate its commitment to future elections within the alliance.




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