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Lithuania apparently has a problem because of German brigade

Accommodation too expensive

Defense Minister Pistorius speaks to Bundeswehr soldiers in
Defense Minister Pistorius speaks to Bundeswehr soldiers in

Lithuania apparently has a problem because of German brigade

A German combat brigade is to be permanently stationed in Lithuania. However, according to a report, concerns are growing in Vilnius. The financing of the infrastructure poses "a huge financial problem", it says. One reason: the high standards for Bundeswehr quarters.

Contributing to the costs of permanently stationing a German combat brigade in Lithuania is apparently causing considerable problems for the Baltic state. This was reported by the German newspaper "Der Spiegel", which refers to confidential correspondence from the German embassy in Vilnius to the German government.

According to the correspondence, infrastructure financing in the next two years alone represents "a huge financial problem" for Lithuania. The military attaché of the German embassy in Lithuania is quoted as saying: "Behind closed doors, Lithuanian government circles are expressing financial concerns in connection with the stationing of a German brigade in Lithuania."

The Lithuanians are convinced that they will only have to pay for military infrastructure, it continues. They would only contribute "proportionately" to living quarters for German soldiers, as the facilities for the Germans were "significantly" above the standard for Lithuanian soldiers. The Lithuanians do not consider themselves responsible for the construction of schools and kindergartens. "Apart from land, which would be made available, it is said in Vilnius, these construction costs are to be financed 100 percent by Germany," the November paper states.

According to Der Spiegel, the internal letter is not only addressed to the Foreign Office. The author expressly requests that his report be submitted immediately to the Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, all important heads of department in the defense ministry and "Group 23" in the Federal Chancellery, which deals with all issues relating to the Bundeswehr. The document ends with the forecast: "Germany will face difficult negotiations regarding the financing of infrastructure in Lithuania."

On Monday, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius from the SPD and his Lithuanian counterpart Arvydas Anušauskas signed a roadmap for the permanent stationing of a German combat brigade in Lithuania. The unit of around 5,000 soldiers should be operational by 2027.

Read also:

  1. Despite the agreement between Defense Minister Boris Pistorius and his Lithuanian counterpart, concerns about the financial burden of hosting a German combat brigade persist in Lithuanian government circles.
  2. Russia has criticized Germany's decision to permanently station a brigade in Lithuania, viewing it as a provocation and a threat to regional stability.
  3. In response to the Attack on Ukraine, Boris Pistorius announced that the federal armed forces are ready to provide additional support and assistance to NATO allies, including Lithuania.


