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Linnemann proposes housing serious violent offenders.

Tighter regulations for juvenile crime

If the CDU Secretary General had his way, cell phones would be banned in elementary school in...
If the CDU Secretary General had his way, cell phones would be banned in elementary school in future.

Linnemann proposes housing serious violent offenders.

How can we combat violent behavior among young people? CDU Secretary General Linnemann has some suggestions focusing on tightening the legal system. He suggests that youngsters should face criminal responsibility at a younger age and be institutionalized for severe acts of violence. Meanwhile, primary school students may have a different issue to deal with.

The CDU Secretary General, Carsten Linnemann, advocates for stricter criminal laws for children and youths. In a guest article for t-online, Linnemann urged for an open discussion about "lowering the age of criminal responsibility." Furthermore, he suggested "a potential tightening of juvenile criminal law" should be explored.

"We've seen violence tendencies among minors in Germany for a while," Linnemann states. He asserts, "Young offenders must face consequences." This would likely mean, for example, making it simpler for authorities to remove children and young people from their usual environment in serious cases. "In severe cases, widespread access to closed residential care should be established," Linnemann writes. This is where juvenile offenders could and should learn socially acceptable behavior they wouldn't otherwise learn in their home environment. "Measures like this are less about punishment than providing opportunities for the future."

Additionally, Linnemann wants to make parents more accountable in the future. This may involve offering various options for authorities to use when needed.

Linnemann also identifies a risk in the usage of social media. "It's crucial to have a debate about media consumption and social media platforms like Tiktok," he says. The time spent by children and young people on these platforms is concerning. According to Linnemann, "When you know what many youngsters are currently watching, it's unnerving. Animals are tortured, people are beheaded. It's like an assembly line. Does anyone really think this won't affect our children?" To counter such effects, Linnemann recommends a nationwide ban on cell phones in all German elementary schools.

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