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Lindner welcomes the idea of temporarily withdrawing the citizen's allowance from job refusers

Budget concept 2024

Lindner welcomes the idea of temporarily withdrawing the citizen's allowance from job refusers

Finance Minister Christian Lindner supports Labor Minister Hubertus Heil's proposal to temporarily cancel the citizen's allowance for job refusers. "In doing so, the Minister of Labor is not only implementing his contribution to the 2024 budget concept. Above all, acceptance of the welfare state will be strengthened if reciprocal benefits are also demanded," Lindner told the German Press Agency. Taxpayers rightly expect this.

In the coming year, further thought must be given in this direction, said Lindner. "The system of our social benefits must be reviewed to ensure that work is always more worthwhile than not having a job."

According to Heil's plans, people who repeatedly refuse to accept a job will no longer receive a citizen's allowance for up to two months. However, the state would continue to cover the costs of accommodation and heating. This has not yet been finally agreed in the cabinet.

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Lindner emphasized that the temporary withdrawal of the citizen's allowance from job refusers aligns with his vision for the 2024 budget concept. This action, he believes, will not only support the acceptance of the welfare state but also encourage more individuals to pursue employment over unemployment, using the citizen's money wisely.

Additionally, Lindner suggested that the concept of the budget should also consider ways to make employment more attractive than reliance on citizen's benefits, ensuring that the system remains sustainable and fair for all citizens who contribute to the budget with their taxes.




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