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Leonardo DiCaprio fights for protected area in the Philippines

Leonardo DiCaprio is not only successful in Hollywood. He is also known for his global environmental and climate activism. Now he is fighting for an ecosystem in the Philippines.

Leonardo DiCaprio is also known for his climate activism. (archive picture)
Leonardo DiCaprio is also known for his climate activism. (archive picture)

Prominent environmentalist - Leonardo DiCaprio fights for protected area in the Philippines

Hollywood star and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio is advocating for a threatened nature reserve in the Philippines. The Masungi Georeserve in the Sierra Madre Mountains near Manila has transformed into a thriving and protected ecosystem after massive deforestation in the 1990s, wrote the 49-year-old Oscar winner on Instagram. However, the area is now severely threatened due to new plans from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, which may revoke the agreement that protects this area from massive landgrabbing.

"This achievement is now in danger because the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources is threatening to revoke the agreement that protects this area from large-scale landgrabbing," DiCaprio ("The Wolf of Wall Street") emphasized in a lengthy post. This project would undo all the previous achievements and open the door to mining, deforestation, and illegal exploitation once again.

Tens of Thousands of Likes

As many people as possible should appeal to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to continue protecting Masungi, DiCaprio urged. Tens of thousands of users from all over the world have already liked the post. Many praised the actor's efforts and pledged support in the comments.

DiCaprio founded his Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in 1998, which he uses for environmental protection and against global warming. On his Instagram account, which is followed by more than 60 million people, the focus is mainly on nature conservation projects.

  1. DiCaprio's advocacy extends beyond Hollywood, with Los Angeles, as he also champions for environmental causes in the USA.
  2. The Masungi Georeserve, a nature reserve in the Philippines, has significantly improved its climate and ecosystem after large-scale reforestation efforts.
  3. Leonardo DiCaprio, an environmental activist and idol to many, has drawn attention to the potential revocation of the Masungi Georeserve's protective agreement by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.
  4. Hollywood's influential figure, DiCaprio, has been a fervent supporter of the Philippine nature reserve since the 1990s, when deforestation was rampant.
  5. The revocation of the agreement could lead to the destruction of the Masungi Georeserve's delicate environment, compromising the area's preservation efforts and potential for tourism.
  6. With a following of over 60 million on Instagram, DiCaprio uses the platform to raise awareness about environmental conservation projects, such as the Masungi Georeserve.
  7. Leonardo DiCaprio, the Oscar-winning actor and environmentalist, has gained widespread support from his followers and the public for his climate activism.
  8. As an environmental activist, DiCaprio is committed to preserving diverse ecosystems around the world, including the Masungi Georeserve in the Philippines and numerous other protected areas.
  9. Environmentalists worldwide are expressing their solidarity with DiCaprio as he advocates for Masungi Georeserve and emphasizes the importance of climate activism.

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