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Leni Klum in lingerie and 2.4 million euros

Vip Vip, hooray!

Leni Klum regularly causes controversy with her appearances and underwear
Leni Klum regularly causes controversy with her appearances and underwear

Leni Klum in lingerie and 2.4 million euros

Pietro Lombardi's girlfriend Laura likes to shop, the shunned "Sommerhaus" inmate Aleks Petrovic inspires with a love letter and Heidi's daughter Leni shows a lot of naked skin again. This week's celebrity column with a guide for all situations in life.

What was it said in a song by hip-hop group K.I.Z? "And we sing in the fallout shelter: Hooray, this world is ending! Hooray, this world is coming to an end! Paradise on the ruins." Dear reader, do you also feel like you're going mad when you turn on the news these days? And do you also have to listen to colleagues or acquaintances telling you not to be so pessimistic about the state of the world? After all, it has never been any different: Pessimism doesn't get you anywhere. You have to remain objective and realistic. Okay! I think: objectively speaking, humanity cannot be saved.

A little apocalyptic scenario: Suppose you only had one day left on earth before the planet blew up and became uninhabitable. What would you do with this last day? Read a good book? Watch a horror movie with your loved ones? Maybe a comedy? On days like these, when the global political situation is not only worrying but downright frightening, humor, sarcasm and irony can be a bit of a cure. Because let's be honest: there are a lot of things, especially politics, that you can only laugh about!

The week of celebrities and those who think they are celebrities offers plenty of potential to burst out laughing. I firmly believe that we can all learn from our stars and starlets. They provide the perfect weekly guide for every situation in life. Don't worry if you didn't get the best instructions because you might be working a regular job. I have compiled the instructions that make life easier for you: Voilà!

Tutoring in love letters

Are you unsure what to write to your loved one? The best skills were provided this week by the now-departed "Summer House" inmate Aleks Petrovic. Here's a template that you just need to personalize: My dearest Monika, you've cooked such delicious food again. When the dishes are done, you still have one more load of laundry to do. I know you're up to the task and I'll support you with words of encouragement. Hang in there! That little bit of housework ...

Are you unhappy when you stand at the check-in desk in a hotel for too long? Don't put up with it! Ask for the manager! Incidentally, this doesn't just apply to hotels, but to everything in general. Problems picking up bottles at the discount store? Call the manager immediately! Also important: build up your reach on social media! The quickest way to do this is to make fun of others. Feel free to tease any revelations and then keep quiet. Or take your followers with you into your everyday life! Always be approachable!

Turn your current problems into positivity! Did Monika or Herbert leave you because your great love letter didn't go down so well? Do what Oliver Pocher did and take flight! Maybe Monika or Herbert only left you in their seventh year because they didn't have the necessary emotional maturity?

Write the comedy program of your own life! If no one laughs, you can always go into the coaching business full time. Calendar sayings are said to be very popular.

"Let people talk and don't listen to them"

Another tried and tested way of dealing with family disagreements: simply blast everything onto the internet. Are you annoyed because your partner is currently spending too much money? That's what happened to singer and "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" winner Pietro Lombardi. The only thing they disagreed on was the amount, which may be due to the fact that they have completely lost track of their finances.

Did Lombardi's girlfriend Laura Maria Rypa, as the "Bild" newspaper writes, "spend 2.4 million euros last month"? For what only? According to Pietro for: "Amazon and Zalando and Oceans Apart" He adds: "I don't know how she managed that. (...) Sometimes there are 400 parcels here." However, he later clarifies: It's all just a joke!

The most beautiful appearance this week, however, was delivered by none other than Leni, daughter of model mom Heidi Klum. At the tender age of 19, she already knows exactly how the business works. This week, she showed her two million followers her new underwear. Among them: cute, blue slits and perfectly fitting bras.

Recently, Leni and Heidi sat next to the great fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier at an event that was guaranteed to be very important. Leni was wearing a skin-tight, black corsage. She seemed visibly uncomfortable and couldn't breathe, but smiled professionally over any breathing problems. She certainly does the same with the opinions of her followers, who write about this performance: "How cheap! And the mother supports something like this. (...) Not a role model. Society is upset about sexualization (...) and then you see such performances by young women. (...) You can clearly see the enormous pressure she is under." Are such opinions really "hate" or justified criticism? It was to be expected that this would also be discussed at length again.

But now off to the weekend! Ideally with a song by Die Ärzte: "Let people talk and don't listen to them. Most people have nothing better to do. Let people talk by day and by night. Let people talk, that's what they've always done." See you next week!


