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Lena shows surprise at the outcome of the European polls.

"Numerous individuals lacking intelligence and compassion"

Dares to raise her voice: Lena Meyer-Landrut.
Dares to raise her voice: Lena Meyer-Landrut.

Lena shows surprise at the outcome of the European polls.

The Democratic Center is crestfallen with the European election results - especially in Germany. Among those expressing their dismay is Lena Meyer-Landrut. "Disgusting, dreadful, antisocial," she says.

All attempts to avert a right-wing movement in the European election have crumbled, most notably in Germany. According to initial official results, the AfD obtained 15.9%, making them the second strongest political force in the nation. Their notable performance is primarily due to a surge in younger voters.

Many artists grapple with taking a political stand. Lena Meyer-Landrut, however, has recently been more outspoken. In an interview with "Spiegel," she not only advocated banning the AfD but intensively advocated for voting in the European Parliament.

"First: Cast your vote! Second: Support Democrats (not faux Democrats). Third: Even if you feel no candidate aligns with your ideal beliefs, then vote for the 'least evil' in comparison to calls for hatred, creation of enemies, and generating fear," the 33-year-old encouraged her 5.8 million Instagram followers. "Vote with hope and love, never with exclusion and populism," she added.

Angry responses are likely

Her appeal went largely unheeded, as were the warnings from many other advocates. Her dismay was also evident. Therefore, she shared a graph of calculations on her Instagram stories on election night, indicating that the AfD had reached 16.5%.

"Disgusting, dreadful, antisocial," the singer lamented about this. Furthermore, she commented, "I am astonished by so many seeming heartless and mindless people in this country."

For Meyer-Landrut's unreserved expression of her sentiments, she's bound to gain admiration from many. But she's also likely to receive a barrage of abuse on social media platforms as a result. Already, dozens of hateful messages have appeared under her latest Instagram post.

Meyer-Landrut expresses her horror in her Instagram stories.

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