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Lena Meyer-Landrut cancels remaining tour

Must pull rope

Lena Meyer-Landrut needs to get properly well again before going back on stage.
Lena Meyer-Landrut needs to get properly well again before going back on stage.

Lena Meyer-Landrut cancels remaining tour

A few days ago, Lena Meyer-Landrut cancelled two concerts. Now her team announces that the last two performances of this year will also not take place. The singer was again admitted to the emergency room with "severe cramps".

Lena Meyer-Landrut has now also cancelled the remaining two concerts of this year, on a Friday in Stuttgart and a Saturday in Echternach, Luxembourg. Her team announced this in an Instagram story.

In addition, her team shared an audio message from the singer to her fans: "It breaks my heart and I so wish I didn't have to do this. But as you may have seen in the previous slide, I have to cancel the remaining shows for health reasons", says Meyer-Landrut.

"It's a shock every time"

The singer was admitted to the hospital "for the third time in the last few weeks with severe cramps", she said. "And every time it catches me, my crew, the band, and of course you fans, totally unexpectedly. And every time it's a shock, which is not pleasant for anyone." The singer has to "pull the plug" now.

In the end, Meyer-Landrut thanked and apologized to her fans. She is now taking "a short break" for her health. The ESC winner of 2010 had already cancelled several concerts in the past days and weeks, sometimes just before they were due to begin.

Lena Meyer-Landrut's fans are disappointed as she has to cancel more concerts due to health issues, affecting her performances in Stuttgart and Echternach. Despite her love for entertaining fans with her Pop music, she has to prioritize her health and take a short break.

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