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Legal battle: Harry concerned for children's safety

Is Prince Harry entitled to the same security precautions as the rest of the royal family? A court is now to clarify this. The focus is on Harry and Meghan's children.

Harry has retired from the British royal family with his wife Duchess Meghan. (Archive picture)
Harry has retired from the British royal family with his wife Duchess Meghan. (Archive picture)

Processes - Legal battle: Harry concerned for children's safety

In a legal dispute with the British Home Office, Prince Harry has claimed that his children are not adequately protected in the UK.

His lawyer presented a statement to this effect in court in London, the PA news agency reported. In it, Harry said that the United Kingdom was his home. He wanted his children to feel just as at home there as they do in the USA, where they currently live. "That cannot happen if it is not possible to protect them when they are on British soil."

The hearing began on Tuesday. At the heart of the case is whether Harry is entitled to the same security arrangements as the rest of the royal family when he travels to his former home. The 39-year-old did not attend the court hearing in person. Harry is the younger son of King Charles III.

Hearing behind closed doors

Harry's lawyer had accused the responsible committee of having made its decision to grant the fifth in line to the British throne less protection on the basis of an inadequate security analysis. In contrast, the representative of the Home Office had emphasized that Harry would receive tailor-made precautions. A large part of the hearing took place behind closed doors because confidential information was discussed. A decision is not expected until a later date.

Harry and his wife Duchess Meghan had withdrawn from the British royal family. One reason for this was the way the tabloid press treated Meghan. According to PA, Harry's statement said that he could not put his wife in danger. His lawyer also stressed that Harry did not accept that it was his choice to no longer be a full-time member of the royal family. They said they regretted that he and his wife had been forced to resign from the role, PA reported.

Sky News report Times report

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