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Police arrest Justin Timberlake

Driving under the influence of alcohol?

Spent the night at the police station: Justin Timberlake.
Spent the night at the police station: Justin Timberlake.

Police arrest Justin Timberlake

Popstar Justin Timberlake was arrested near New York. Multiple US media report this consistently. The reason is said to be that the 43-year-old drove a car while intoxicated - and ignored a stop sign.

Justin Timberlake is currently on tour in the USA. However, off-stage, he may have had too much to drink on Monday night. In itself, that would not be a problem - if he hadn't gotten into the car afterwards. Several US media, including the usually well-informed celebrity portal "TMZ," report that the singer was arrested for a "DWI" offense. "DWI" stands for "Driving while intoxicated," which means "Driving under the influence of substances."

According to "TMZ," Timberlake spent Monday evening with friends at a hotel in Sag Harbor. The location is known for its luxury reputation, located in the Hamptons in the US state of New York, about 150 kilometers east of New York City. Against 0.30 am, the 43-year-old reportedly got behind the wheel to drive to his accommodation in the region. However, he didn't get very far, reports "TMZ." A police stop occurred shortly thereafter, after he ignored a stop sign.

The police conducted alcohol tests on Timberlake, it continues. However, the popstar refused to blow into the alcohol test device. His friends, who were summoned by the police, reportedly tried to persuade the officers to avoid an arrest, but in vain: Timberlake was handcuffed and taken away. The scene was allegedly filmed by the police body cameras.

Court Appearance

A police spokesperson in Sag Harbor confirmed to "TMZ" that Timberlake is currently in custody in that town. Further details about the incident will not be released. According to the broadcaster ABC, the singer had to appear in court on Tuesday. It is assumed that Timberlake will be released against the payment of a bond. It is initially unclear whether his arrest will affect his concert plans.

The former Boyband star has a clean image. After earlier relationships with Britney Spears and Cameron Diaz, he has been married to actress Jessica Biel for twelve years. The two have also two common sons. His family will likely have to explain his behavior to them.

Despite being on tour, Justin Timberlake was reportedly arrested for a DWI offense in Sag Harbor, New York, on Monday night. According to TMZ, he failed to pass a breathalyzer test after being stopped for driving through a stop sign while allegedly intoxicated. The incident could potentially impact his ongoing concert plans.

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