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Law enforcement expects a heated weekend at Tesla.

Controversies erupt in Grünheide

According to the activists, the protest in Grünheide is by no means only directed against Tesla....
According to the activists, the protest in Grünheide is by no means only directed against Tesla. "The fight against this car factory is a fight against every car factory," said the Disrupt group.

Law enforcement expects a heated weekend at Tesla.

Law enforcement officials deploy a sizeable force to curtail demonstrators from accessing the Tesla facility in Brandenburg. Nonetheless, they are unable to secure cars parked at a neighboring airfield. The conflict is expected to persist.

In anticipation of additional protests this coming Saturday, authorities have begun planning their response. The preceding events will factor into their strategic decisions, a spokesperson confirmed. The activists have maintained a reserved approach regarding potential actions during the weekend. Initially, a march from Fangschleuse station to the Tesla plant is slated for midday. Further unrest surrounding the Tesla facility is anticipated.

Tensions heightened on Friday with repeated skirmishes between protesters and police officers. The authorities employed pepper spray and batons. Police authorities reported several participants and 21 officers injured. By 7 p.m., 16 individuals had been detained, according to reports.

Representatives from various involved protest groups decried the "disproportionately harsh" policing tactics. Law enforcement gathered a sizable team, including officers from multiple states. Water cannons and a military-grade vehicle were deployed, but were not initially utilized.

Protesters attempted to gain access to the factory grounds

During the demonstration, some activists attempted to enter the Tesla factory premises. They maneuvered up a makeshift barrier in the woods bordering the factory. The police intercepted their entry. At an airfield in Neuhardenberg, however, the protesters managed to reach the site, set off fireworks, and vandalized Tesla vehicles with paint. As per a spokesperson, the authorities attempted to secure this zone as well. However, the sheer expanse of the airfield made it an arduous task.

The impetus for the protests stemmed from the protest encampment erected near the car plant in Grünheide. Activists have camped there since late February in a battle against the proposed expansion of the Tesla site and the deforestation of the area. The police seek the dismantlement of the tree houses. Legal proceedings between the parties are underway.

Tesla adversaries have been urging a weeklong crusade against the automaker since Wednesday. "The battle against this car factory is a struggle against every car factory," declared the group Disrupt. "In order for the planet to continue functioning as our habitat for the foreseeable future, we must have the bravery to thoughtfully redesign this factory. Whether we manufacture buses, ambulances, or cargo bikes here, we must decide together."

Read also:

  1. International environmental organizations have expressed concern over the police's handling of the environmental protests surrounding Tesla Motors' expansion in Brandenburg.
  2. Despite the green heath being a significant concern for environmental protection advocates, the protests at the Tesla factory in Brandenburg have sparked discussions about the balance between industrial growth and environmental preservation on the green heath.
  3. In response to the protests and global scrutiny, Tesla Motors has announced plans to invest in renewable energy solutions for the surrounding area as part of their commitment to environmental sustainability.


