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Lavrov reaches out to India on arms production

"Our relationship is strong"

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and his Indian counterpart Jaishankar praised the good
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and his Indian counterpart Jaishankar praised the good bilateral

Lavrov reaches out to India on arms production

India's approach to the war in Ukraine is purely based on national interests, says Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov. He gives the country credit for its silence on Moscow's invasion. At a meeting with his Indian counterpart, he discusses opportunities for arms cooperation.

Russia and India want to cooperate more closely in the production of armaments. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said this after a meeting with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar in Moscow, according to the state news agency Tass. Lavrov gave few details.

It was about the joint production of modern types of weapons as well as arms production within the framework of the Indian "Make in India" program. The cooperation would serve strategic security on the Eurasian continent, Lavrov said. Both sides praised the good bilateral relationship. "Our relationship is very strong, very stable," said Jaishankar before the meeting with Lavrov. The foreign minister of the world's most populous country was also to be received by President Vladimir Putin.

Lavrov emphasized positively that India's approach to the issue of the war in Ukraine was purely based on national interests. The leadership in New Delhi is neutral on the Russian war of aggression, does not support Western sanctions against Moscow and repeatedly promotes conflict resolution through dialog. Since the start of the war, India has increased its imports of cheap oil from Russia.

It is the second most important oil customer after China, said Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak in a television interview. "India-Russia relations reflect geopolitical realities, strategic convergence and mutual benefits," Jaishankar wrote on the X platform (formerly Twitter) after the meeting. India has good relations with Western countries, but also with Russia, on which it is dependent for its military equipment. However, the country is also increasingly buying military equipment from other countries, including France.

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