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Lauterbach: Significant surge in individuals requiring assistance.

360,000 in lieu of 50,000 extra

Die Zahl der Pflegebedürftigen ist rasant gestiegen.
Die Zahl der Pflegebedürftigen ist rasant gestiegen.

Lauterbach: Significant surge in individuals requiring assistance.

Health Minister Lauterbach of Germany raises the alarm about a critical issue in the nursing insurance sector. The rising need for care among individuals exceeded projected figures by a massive 310,000 more than initially estimated, catching him off guard. The current framework isn't enough, and a substantial revision in the nursing industry is imminent.

Karl Lauterbach, the Federal Health Minister and SPD member, has expressed his concern over the drastic surge in the number of individuals requiring care. Rather than the anticipated 50,000 increase by 2023, the actual figure saw a sharp spike to over 360,000 more. The cause for this sudden shift remains unclear, according to the official.

Lauterbach attributes the increase to what he calls a "sandwich effect." With the first generation of baby boomers reaching old age, they're now joining the population of care-dependent individuals. For the first time in history, two generations - baby boomers and their parents - are both in need of medical assistance. The reasoning behind this "explosive" situation, as Lauterbach explains: "The baby boomers and their parents require care simultaneously."

Despite acknowledging the inadequacy of the present structure to meet the necessary levels of care, Lauterbach admits that a comprehensive financial transformation in the nursing sector could potentially avoid realization in this legislative term. He also alluded to the lack of consensus within the interministerial working group, stating, "It's unlikely the group will arrive at a unified recommendation." The divergent viewpoints between various ministries and coalition partners hinder decisive action. Nevertheless, the ongoing work by the group provides an excellent foundation for a far-reaching nursing reform, slated for the following election term. "This change must happen."

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