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Lauterbach for telephone child sickness notification for parents

Adults no longer have to go to the doctor's office to get a sick note for minor illnesses. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach would like to extend this regulation.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) wants to ease the burden on doctors' surgeries.
Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) wants to ease the burden on doctors' surgeries.

Health - Lauterbach for telephone child sickness notification for parents

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) would like to introduce telephone sick notes for parents of sick children. Only recently, the telephone sick note for adults who are ill themselves, which was practiced in earlier corona waves, was reintroduced.

Lauterbach asked the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (GKV) in a letter to the Düsseldorf newspaper "Rheinische Post" to reach a corresponding agreement in the near future.

He explained in the letter that this should relieve the burden on doctors' surgeries. The step is also "another important contribution to preventing infections in waiting rooms".

At the beginning of December, the Federal Joint Committee of the healthcare system decided that, with immediate effect, patients no longer have to go to a doctor's surgery to obtain a sick note for minor illnesses. Under certain conditions, this is now possible on a permanent basis and goes back to an earlier special coronavirus regulation. It remains to be seen whether and when the option suggested by Lauterbach will also be available to parents for children's sick pay.

Read also:

  1. In Germany, parental concerns about managing sick leave for their children during the Coronavirus pandemic may be alleviated, as Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) proposes introducing telephone sick notes for parents.
  2. The Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and the Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds are being urged by Lauterbach to reach an agreement on this matter in the near future.
  3. Lauterbach's proposal aims to reduce the burden on doctors' surgeries and prevent infections in waiting rooms by allowing parents to apply for sick pay for their children over the phone.
  4. Parents in Germany are currently required to visit a doctor to obtain a sick note for their children's absence from school due to illness, but this may change as a result of Lauterbach's proposal.
  5. Berlin's efforts to address the Coronavirus situation extend beyond healthcare policy, with Health Minister Karl Lauterbach actively seeking ways to ease burdens on families and protect public health.




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