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Lang: We could suspend the debt brake for Ukraine

Green Party leader on "ntv Frühstart"

Lang: We could suspend the debt brake for Ukraine

Green Party leader Lang is very satisfied with the agreement in the budget dispute. On "ntv Frühstart", she also defends the rising cost of living due to the increasing price of CO2. She believes it is quite possible that the debt brake will be suspended after all.

Green Party leader Ricarda Lang defended the budget for the coming year on ntv. Every partner had to move, everyone had to jump over their own shadow - but in the end we showed that we can provide stability," she said on "Frühstart". With the increase in the CO2 price, we are returning to the path of the grand coalition, the path that was originally planned anyway, emphasized Lang.

Fuel and heating costs were rising as a result, but "at the same time, as the traffic light coalition, we have also brought about major relief. In particular through the abolition of the EEG levy." As a result, around 85 percent of the revenue from the CO2 price would flow back to citizens and companies next year, said the Green Party leader.

The Greens' goal is therefore still the climate money: "We are sticking to the climate money. We want to speed things up again." Only in this way can climate protection be socially secured in the long term, emphasized Lang. So far, however, there have been no concrete steps to implement this.

The Green Party leader praised the fact that the standard rates for the citizen's income are rising as planned and that the basic child benefit remains untouched: "If we look at the attacks on the welfare state in recent weeks, such as the recent one by Friedrich Merz, then the result is really an achievement and shows how much we value social justice."

In response to the question of whether the FDP was the big winner of the new budget by adhering to the debt brake, Lang said: "This offsetting doesn't help at all. People don't want to know whether the SPD, the Greens or the FDP have won. They want to know what it means for me."

Clear commitment to Ukraine

The party chairwoman pointed out that the debt brake could be suspended again next year: "If more needs arise for Ukraine, for example if international partners withdraw, then we will suspend the debt brake." This is a clear commitment that we will continue to stand by Ukraine.

Support for Ukraine is also currently being discussed at the EU summit in Brussels. Lang: "I have high hopes and expectations that we will be able to agree on joint European support for Ukraine." Ukraine is dependent on this aid.

Giving up is not an option for Ukraine, emphasizes the Green Party leader. Lang strongly condemned the threats by Hungary's head of government Viktor Orbán to block EU aid: "Disregard for the rule of law on the one hand and a lack of solidarity with Ukraine on the other cannot simply be accepted." He continued: "Every European, including Viktor Orbán, should realize that the Ukrainians are also defending our freedom. They are defending the freedom of Europe."

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