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Landslides in Papua New Guinea claim over 2000 lives.

In Papua New Guinea, local people hunt for buried victims without shoes and shovels. A landslide is believed to have claimed the lives of around 2000 individuals. The rescuers are in a hurry since every second counts.

Nach einem Erdrutsch werden im abgelegenen Hochland Papua-Neuguineas Hunderte Tote befürchtet....
Nach einem Erdrutsch werden im abgelegenen Hochland Papua-Neuguineas Hunderte Tote befürchtet. Einige Dörfer wurden komplett verschüttet.

Intense Weather Phenomenon - Landslides in Papua New Guinea claim over 2000 lives.

A horrific landslide in Papua New Guinea has left officials from the national disaster management nervously estimating potential death tolls to reach at least 2000, as stated by their government agency. The tragic event took place on Friday in an isolated highland region.

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