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Lambo-Steffen sits down in the love nettles

"Farmer seeks wife"

Things are going badly for farmer Steffen and his lady-in-waiting
Things are going badly for farmer Steffen and his lady-in-waiting

Lambo-Steffen sits down in the love nettles

Shortly before the end of the season, the "Bauer sucht Frau" contestants go one better. While some of them are lovingly embracing each other, others have to admit that it wasn't quite enough for the big love spell. One lady-in-waiting even flees prematurely.

After a very intense journey of adventure, in which emotions were on a rollercoaster almost every day, the last weeks at court are now coming to an end. So it's time to take stock. Did Cupid do a good job on the farms? How many hearts have been united? Hobby farmer Dietrich-Max-Helmut gives love a second chance. After the two-man fling with horse-back measurer Susanne, vehicle refurbisher Marion is now at the doorstep of the pithy Brandenburg man.

And lo and behold, there seems to be a spark on the very first day. The farmer and his new lady-in-waiting walk hand in hand to the horses: "Four beautiful Haflingers and a nice man: what more could you want?" asks Marion, who is praised to the skies by the master of the farm after a round of lambing and a brisk "Rock Around The Clock" session in the stables: "You simply have to like Marion!" grins Dietrich-Max-Helmut.

For metal farmer Christoph and his Lisa, it's only enough for a good friendship.

Things are similar on many other farms, in many places even more harmonious. Cattle farmer Daniel, for example, can't get enough of his Valentina's "stylish appearances". The 21-year-old blonde, who wants to become a religion teacher one day, also cuts a fine figure in all farmyard situations. Whether she's tearing around a field, changing oil or marking trees, Valentina always stands out in her leather hot pants and strappy top. By the time they've had fun in the hot tub together, Daniel is over her. And so the farm week in Bavaria ends not only with "lots of fireworks in my body", but also with a landmark extension agreement.

Dairy farmer André and horse whisperer Hans in love bliss

Love is already blossoming for dairy farmer André and horse expert Hans. Julia has now moved in with dairy farmer André and "can't imagine life without her boyfriend bringing her coffee in bed early in the morning". Elke's happiness is still written all over her face long after the farm weekend: "Our relationship is getting more beautiful every day!" sighs the new partner at the side of her hoofed animal friend Hans. The 65-year-old horse boarding operator can only agree: "There's not a piece of paper between us!" says Hans happily.

Cattle farmer Daniel can't get enough of his Valentina.

Everything also looked good at first with poultry farmer Stefanie and Hinghland cattle breeder Christoph. But neither Stefanie and Timo nor Christoph and Lisa had enough feelings for a relationship in the end. "You're good the way you are, but unfortunately no feelings have developed on my part," Stefanie explains to her visibly disappointed husband about the sadly bleak state of affairs. In Lower Saxony, both parties agree that a "beautiful friendship" has developed - but nothing more. "The magic is missing!" Christoph explains the "dilemma". Lisa feels the same way.

"There's no room for romance in the forest!"

That leaves farmer and sausage lover Steffen. The foul-mouthed Bavarian is increasingly putting himself offside with his withdrawn and uninterested manner. When the lady of the farm, Kathrin, demands more initiative and togetherness while cutting wood, the farmer grumbles listlessly: "There's no room for romance in the forest!" grumbles Steffen. Kathrin has had enough. The disappointed lady of the farm pulls the ripcord shortly before the end of the farm week: "There's no point here!" sniffs Kathrin.

Farmer Steffen is not aware of any guilt: "You can't force love!" he sums up with a shrug. It remains to be seen whether Kathrin will make her way to the "season finale party" despite her emotional disillusionment. One would like to advise her to do so, because those familiar with the format know only too well that doors sometimes open at the final get-together that nobody could have expected beforehand. With this in mind: All roads lead to Inka Bause! For the sake of love!

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