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Kylie Minogue battles with cancer trauma

18 years after the diagnosis

Has beaten cancer, but not overcome it emotionally: Kylie
Has beaten cancer, but not overcome it emotionally: Kylie

Kylie Minogue battles with cancer trauma

It has been almost two decades since Kylie Minogue was diagnosed with breast cancer. Despite her recovery, the Australian singer has still not got over the shock, as she now reveals. The 55-year-old gets emotional when she remembers it.

Even 18 years after her cancer, Kylie Minogue is still struggling with the trauma that the disease left her with. In an interview with "CBS News" broadcast on Sunday, the singer is close to tears when the presenter asks her about this experience.

Minogue was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. The memories of this time are still present, says the singer. "You have to move on, you have to get on with things, but...", she begins in the interview, but is unable to finish the sentence. When asked whether it was fear that was making her so emotional, the 55-year-old replied: "It's a trauma. And every trauma is inside you."

She continues: "The experience of a cancer diagnosis will live on in me. It was difficult. But it was also amazing." Minogue explains why the experience was also "amazing": "What's amazing is that you're very aware of your body, the love that surrounds you, your abilities, all these things."

Diagnosis during tour

Kylie Minogue was diagnosed with cancer in the middle of her "Showgirl: Greatest Hits" world tour. In addition to months of chemotherapy, the pop star also had to undergo an operation. Minogue's cancer was discovered at an early stage. A year later, the pop star was considered cured. The shocking news caused an extreme surge in screening in Australia.

Incidentally, Kylie Minogue has been living in her Australian hometown of Melbourne again since 2021, having previously lived in London for 30 years. She has always flown back and forth between Australia and the rest of the world a lot, she said in an interview in September to mark the release of her album "Tension". "But now it's especially nice for my parents to have me close by. They know that they can see me more often, my brother, my sister and my nephews are also there. It's good for me to be able to be with my family more often. These people mean so much to me."

Read also:

After her cancer diagnosis, Kylie Minogue continued to pursue her love for music, even releasing a popular album titled "X" in 2007, which showcased her resilience in the face of adversity and featured elements of pop music.

During her recovery from cancer, Kylie Minogue found solace in music, often turning to soothing tunes as a form of entertainment and therapy.


