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Kylian Mbappé "hates" his mask

Protection after nasal bone fracture

"It's difficult to play with the mask on," says Kylian Mbappé.
"It's difficult to play with the mask on," says Kylian Mbappé.

Kylian Mbappé "hates" his mask

Since his nasal bone fracture in the EM game against Austria, Kylian Mbappé has to wear a mask. However, he finds it a thorn in his eye. During a press conference on Sunday evening, the Frenchman let his frustration run free.

Kylian Mbappé is annoyed. The French national team player, who suffered a nasal bone fracture in the first game of the European Championship against Austria, used a press conference to vent his frustration. Because until his nose heals, he has to wear a facemask when playing football. However important this may be - Mbappé seems to see more disadvantages than advantages.

"It's difficult to play with the mask. You don't see as well and sweat under it," grumbled the Frenchman. "Then you have to get rid of the sweat. The first day I felt like I had a 3D glass on and that I wasn't myself, the one who was playing." Mbappé switches the mask whenever something bothers him and doesn't work properly. This has happened five times already. "I hate it, it's really very annoying," he added again. Clear words from the star player, who has been accused of behaving like a diva in recent times.

After his nasal bone fracture, the star player asked his fans for mask ideas on social media. Thousands of suggestions came in and Mbappé initially chose a patriotic model, which he presented in the final training session before the game against the Netherlands. It was designed in the colors of the French flag and had a rooster on the forehead.

However, it was soon announced that the 25-year-old was not allowed on the field because the mask violated a UEFA rule. This rule states that medical equipment must be monochrome and cannot display team or manufacturer identification.

Despite the setback with the banned mask, Kylian Mbappé remains focused on France's campaign at the European Football Championship 2024. The entertainment-loving nation eagerly anticipates his contributions to their soccer team's success throughout Europe.

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