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Kramer warns of new "wave of jihad terror"

Attack targets also in Europe

Before he became President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Thuringia,
Before he became President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Thuringia, Stephan Kramer was Secretary General of the Central Council of

Kramer warns of new "wave of jihad terror"

The danger of Islamist attacks in Germany and Europe is growing, according to the constitution protection authorities. There have been good successes in preventing attacks, "but we must not become overconfident", warns Thuringia's President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Kramer.

Thuringia's President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Stephan Kramer, warns of further Islamist attempts and attacks. The brutal terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7 was just the beginning, Kramer said in an interview with ntv. "We must expect a new wave of jihad terrorism." There have been good successes in preventing attacks, "but we must not become arrogant". There are also calls for attacks in Germany, which, alongside the USA, is seen as a clear supporter of Israel. He made his comments against the backdrop of the recent arrests of suspected Hamas members, including in Berlin.

However, even with the growing danger of Islamist attacks, people in Germany should not panic. "What we must not do now is hide in the cellar, let ourselves be intimidated, because then we will achieve exactly what the terrorists want at the moment," said the constitutional protector on Deutschlandfunk radio.

When asked whether he could recommend that Jewish symbols be worn visibly everywhere in Germany at the moment, Kramer replied: "Whether they should be worn visibly in individual cases is a lengthy discussion that we have also had before. Everyone has to decide that for themselves." Jews should continue to visit their communities and celebrate Hanukkah. Even though he sees Christmas markets as a possible target for attacks, he does not advise against visiting them. There are security concepts and the security authorities are doing their utmost.

Search for underground depot with weapons in Europe

Banning terrorist groups is one way of taking action against Hamas, Kramer continued. "But it's also about using political education and soft factors - not so much about repression - to create a climate in which these groups cannot grow." Even if it now seems too late for these measures, they should be maintained. "Because the worst thing that can happen to us now is that Muslims who have not previously been involved in radicalization may jump on this bandwagon out of frustration, out of emotionalization, and only now become radicalized and basically move even more into this camp."

The Federal Public Prosecutor's Office announced on Thursday that four suspected members of Hamas had been arrested in Berlin and the Netherlands. They are suspected of being members of a foreign terrorist organization, according to the prosecution. Specifically, it is about weapons that were to be kept ready for possible attacks on Jewish institutions in Europe. Three of the four men are now in custody.

From spring 2023 at the latest, one of the Berlin-based suspects had been involved in locating an underground weapons depot in Europe on behalf of Hamas, which the organization had set up there in the past. There is said to be no direct connection to the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7.

Read also:

Thuringia's President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Stephan Kramer, expressed concerns about a potential increase in Islamist attempts and attacks, pointing to the recent Hamas terrorist attack in Israel as a warning sign. Kramer underscored the importance of addressing antisemitism, as calls for attacks against Germany, a supporter of Israel, have been reported.

Given the heightened fear of terrorist attacks, particularly against Jewish institutions in Europe, it is crucial to maintain a balance between security measures and preserving civil liberties. In response to a question about the visibility of Jewish symbols, Kramer acknowledged that it is an individual decision but urged Jews to continue attending their communities and celebratory events.


