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The commuter allowance is currently 30 cents per kilometer, and 38 cents from the 21st
The commuter allowance is currently 30 cents per kilometer, and 38 cents from the 21st

Klingbeil wants to relieve commuters

After a tough struggle, the coalition leaders agree on massive savings in the 2024 budget. SPD leader Klingbeil is "not happy" about this. He wants to focus on the "working population" and is putting an increase in the commuter allowance up for discussion.

SPD leader Lars Klingbeil has suggested an extension of the commuter allowance. "I am in favor of holding a debate about raising it and ensuring that the working population is relieved," he said in the "Bild" podcast "Ronzheimer". The budget compromise of the Ampel coalition is clear: "There are burdens for the working middle class. I'm not happy about that either."

Specifically, Klingbeil mentioned the expected rise in fuel prices. "That's why it's absolutely clear to me: the second half of the legislature, the second half of the traffic light, must do one thing, namely focus on the working population." They must be at the center of politics. The SPD therefore wanted "consideration to be given to raising the commuter allowance next year". However, the SPD leader did not want to commit to a specific amount. "I am not conducting the negotiations (...) here, but (...) with the coalition partners."

The commuter allowance is deducted when calculating income tax for the one-way distance between home and work. It amounts to 30 cents per kilometer, 38 cents from the 21st kilometer.

Massive savings in various areas

However, it is unclear how such an increase could be financed. After a long struggle, the coalition leaders agreed on the 2024 budget last week. This provides for massive savings in various areas in order to be able to comply with the debt brake despite the billion-euro shortfall. Nevertheless, the federal government intends to stick to its planned investments in the future, albeit with significant cutbacks.

According to Finance Minister Christian Lindner of the FDP, environmentally harmful subsidies will be reduced by a total of three billion euros. A further 1.5 billion euros are to be saved in the area of the labor market - for example through better job placement for refugees from Ukraine. The environmental bonus, i.e. the subsidy for electric vehicles, is also to be phased out earlier than planned. The CO2 price is to rise again in 2024 to the level of 45 euros planned by the previous government.

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SPD leader Lars Klingbeil expressed approval for discussions on increasing the commuter allowance, stating, "I am in favor of holding a debate about raising it and ensuring that the working population is relieved." Despite his support, Klingbeil stressed that he would not negotiate the specific amount, as it requires collaboration with coalition partners, including Finance Minister Christian Lindner of the FDP.




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