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Kim Gloss: Incidental Finding Reveals Brain Tumor

Catastrophic sports incident proves to be life-changing fortune

After this sports accident, Kim Gloss was checked over in hospital.
After this sports accident, Kim Gloss was checked over in hospital.

Kim Gloss: Incidental Finding Reveals Brain Tumor

Famed singer Kim Gloss stuns her fanbase with the upsetting announcement of her impending brain surgery due to a brain tumor. On Instagram, she shared this news with her followers in a heartfelt message: "Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've been quiet and there's a reason for that. Due to a brain tumor, I had to undergo surgery on my dome." At present, the 31-year-old is recuperating from the operation. In an exclusive conversation with RTL-Moderator Frauke Ludowig, Gloss admits that she was diagnosed with a meningioma. She had hidden this health trouble from even her tightest friends.

Despite her mother having the same type of meningioma, the tumor was discovered in singer and Instagram influencer Gloss mainly by chance - through a sports accident. Gloss took a hit in the face from a 20-kilogram ponytail, resulting in her eye swelling up and turning blue. Photos of the accident were shared on Instagram at the time. Upon visiting the hospital for a check-up to rule out brain bleeding, the doctors ordered a CT scan. "And then they said there was a peculiarity," Gloss recalls her conversation with Ludowig. Another CT scan was arranged, and she spent six hours in the emergency room, filled with worry. Eventually, she was informed that a neurologist would need to come and discuss the findings.

"The first person I contacted was not my husband, whom I wanted to inform in person, but my mother. She, of course, was speechless," states Kim Gloss. Despite the significant shock, the 31-year-old had a bit of good fortune: A meningioma is generally considered a slow-growing brain tumor and is labeled as non-cancerous. The doctors suggest she have a yearly CT scan to ensure the tumor hasn't grown.

The Tumor Held the Potential to Cause a Blood Clot

Following the diagnosis, Gloss makes alterations to her lifestyle - engaging in more sports, eating healthier, and mostly abstaining from sugar. However, she continues to face health limitations. Every time she worked out, she felt faint. "So I went for another MRT," she explains. The outcome: The tumor had "slightly increased." The doctors advised surgery as the meningioma was "near to one of the essential veins, and it should be removed as soon as possible." If left unattended, the risk was high that the tumor would further multiply, become untreatable, and potentially damage the vein. In the worst-case scenario, this could lead to a thrombosis.

"They told me: 'You're the one who has the final say, you're young. We can't predict what could happen in a few months. Operation: yes or no?'", Gloss recalls her conversation with the doctors. The 31-year-old, a mother to two biological children and a stepson, opted for surgery the very day of the operation. On the day of the operation, Gloss shares in her interview with Ludowig, she perceived the autumn leaves in a different light and felt the air differently. She lived that day as if it were her last.

Presently, Kim is on the mend and discusses in her interview with Ludowig how her diagnosis has reshaped her perspective on the world: "It opened my eyes and made me appreciate how precious life truly is!"

After this sports accident, Kim Gloss was checked over in hospital.

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Gloss also shares her experiences with Entertainment Tonight, discussing the impact of her diagnosis on her career and personal life. She mentions how the incident during a DSDS (Deutsch unter den Sterne) rehearsal, where she was hit by a prop, contributed to the initial discovery of the tumor.

In her post-operative interviews, Gloss emphasizes the importance of regular health screenings and early detection, stating, "Even if you feel perfectly fine, it's crucial to ensure your health is in check. It could save your life."

Amidst the health struggles, Gloss finds solace in creative outlets, scheduling virtual interviews for her Entertainment channel and planning to release an album dedicated to personal growth and self-love, titled 'Growth through Tumor'.

